WHO: Mitsuru Kirijo [
executioning ] & Akihiko Sanada [
vneckshirt ].
WHAT: Pick-up & Explanation.
WHERE: Begins at the docks, may progress somewhere else.
WHEN: After
this. Mitsuru would have been pleased with any of the S.E.E.S. members showing up, but she couldn't help but be elated that Akihiko was the first. The two were good friends, and Mitsuru could honestly say that she was always comforted by his presence. He could almost be called a rock for the young woman, as he was always there for her during hard times.
As it was, the redhead had left her Rivelatan home and headed straight for the docks. She had already confirmed with Doctor McCoy (her landlord, of sorts) that Akihiko could stay with them, as well. The typically short walk had seemed to last longer than usual, but she chalked that up to be eagerness slowing things down. When she had finally arrived, Mitsuru was pleased to find that the boxer had kept his word, staying put directly in front of the docks. She approached him with folded arms and a genuine smile.