I was captured by that stare // Now I'm shattered but I don't care [in progress]

Oct 28, 2009 16:51

Who: Haruhi (reallyiamagirl ),Tamaki (
totaldrama_king ), and Cami (their puppy).
What: Haruhi is creeped-out and cold. Tamaki is coming to her "rescue." Sexy timez? Comfort? Cuteness? Getting scared out of their pants (and I don't mean that literally)?
Where: Their place. Haruhi's room.
When: The night of 10/27.

She had to admit that she was actually spooked. Ghosts and supernatural stuff normally didn’t scare her… because they weren’t real. At least, she thought they weren’t. After the recent “disturbances” she experienced just a little while ago, she could undoubtedly change her mind about what she believed. Someone-no, something was here. It knew her name, and it had to be responsible for all the weird noises she was hearing. If it were only the noises then she would have been fine, but after seeing that seemingly translucent shadow pass by her door… no. It was too creepy.

It didn’t help that she was freezing too. She felt like she was stuck in one of those walk-in freezers they sometimes had at a grocery store… or Antarctica. How did this happen anyway? The thought of one of those “magic” candies that had turned her into a kid a week or two ago came to mind… but she didn’t eat any since then. Though she did hear through the journals that people who didn’t eat the candy were still experiencing weird things. Did someone slip something into her hot chocolate?

Haruhi groaned at the thought. It wasn’t fair. It was stupid.

To top it all off, her costume magically decided to put itself on her. It wouldn’t have been that bad of a costume, really, if the skirt wasn’t so damn short. It barely covered her behind… or anything else around that area for that matter. She hadn’t tried to take the costume off for fear that it might re-attach itself to her again. This had to be the worst night ever.

She shivered as she wrapped her blanket tighter around her shoulders and pulled Cami closer to her. The puppy let out a whine as it snuggled up next to her. She was too nervous to set foot outside her room. She didn’t know who or what was in the house, and honestly, she didn’t want to find out. All she had to do was wait for Tamaki-senpai… who could possibly be just as spooked as she was (or more) if he saw what she saw.

The thought of her Senpai coming to her rescue was just like the Shoujo manga she had read back home. He would come to her rescue, hold her, and… Wait Haruhi, stop it. She was very much aware that her heart was beating fast and if she wasn’t feeling like an icebox, she would feel that her face was flushed. She wanted to shake off the feeling of anticipation, but it wasn’t working so well.

fujioka haruhi, tamaki suou

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