I am only looking for a friend/Let's pretend that we are young again

Oct 08, 2009 21:46

WHO: Presea Combatir [asolemnchild] and open.
WHAT: Umm, chilling in the park. Being emo. And adorable. You know, things Presea does best.
WHERE: The park.
WHEN: Tonight until...forever? No posting order; the kid just needs someone to talk to. This is a regular log, but responding in either regular log format or quicklog format is fine--whatever floats your boat.

Presea felt...strange.

The house was the quietest it had ever been before, and although Sheena's presence was welcome...she found herself wandering the island more often these days. She did not have much to do, after all. Everyone was gone, it seemed...spirited away or worse, and so she attempted to keep her restless, worrisome thoughts at bay with daily walks.

She'd been given a costume as everyone else had, a very...interesting dress with a parasol to match. She hadn't wanted to put it on...but had Zelos or Lloyd been around, they would have encouraged it, so she did. As soon as she'd put on the dress, her hairstyle had changed into that of curly ringlets that draped down her back. She had no opinion on the look itself, so it made little difference to her either way.

On this day, she found herself at the park, and with some effort(the dress was cumbersome) she managed to climb on a swing. She swung listlessly, one-handed, staring down at her neat, shiny shoes and making the parasol twirl lazily above her head with her free hand.

"Where did they go?" she whispered to herself.

The gloomy weather and dense, thick fog suited both her mood and her current appearance, it seemed.

place - park, Ω presea combatir, oc - jam, !open

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