(no subject)

Oct 01, 2009 13:09

Who: Ofelia and Roy, Open to Tifa and her house.
What: Bad dreams and Roy is a dad
Where: Ofelia's bedroom
When: After Ofelia's post

Roy: *takes one look and breaks into a smile, a little weak-kneed from relief.*

Ofelia: *doesn't really see what there is to be smiling about, she's a bit busy staring at the chalk outline on her floor.*

Roy: *kneels, sets his fingers against the chalk. Rubs it a bit, gives questioning face.*

Ofelia: *a deep breath and brushing a bit of dust off of her knees* It was a door.

Roy: *brushing away a corner! Obvs not anymore* You get through?

Ofelia: Yes. I was there... in a dream... and the suddenly it was like it was real.

Roy: Lot of that going around. Want to talk about it?

Ofelia: *pulling her knees up against her chest and wrapping her arms around them. Quietly* ...no...

Roy: Okay. *sitting next to. Hand on her back?*
Ofelia: *leaning to the side a bit, resting her head against him*

Roy: *arm 'round her shoulders then, always open to being closer. Stroking her arm a bit, soothing he thinks.*

Ofelia: *sighing again, still tired, but not willing to go to sleep again.* Did you have a dream?

Roy: Not since the jungle. *sleeps like a rock*
Ofelia: What was it about?

Roy: Nothing concrete, really... I just... heard Lian's voice. *looks down at her, subconsciously anchoring himself.* Every day. And most of the night. *Never saw her, though... smoothes Ofelia's sleeve with the backs of his fingers.*

Ofelia: *thinks about that for a while, quiet. Then* I saw a monster.

Roy: *thinks of dark bubbling shadows and hideous dopplegangers... but also, really, of giant tennis balls.* What kind?

Ofelia: The kind that eats bad children.

Roy: *wince!* I used to hear about those.
Roy: *... he's also smiling a little, though. Can't help it.*

Ofelia: *questioning look, because really, still can't see what there is to smile about* What did you hear?

Roy: When I was about your age, *okay that makes him feel old,* I think every grandma in the rez threatened me with death by skinwalkers at one point or another.

Ofelia: What are skinwalkers?

Roy: Shape-changers. Witches. Grind up old bones and use the powder on bad children. *pulls a little closer.* Or snare themselves a ghost, and sic it on us instead.

Ofelia: *follows that tug* They sound scary.

Roy: Oh, yeah. *turns it into a hug?* They can turn into mice, y'know.

Ofelia: *takes the hug and looks back down at the smudged outline, frowing.* So they can get into places more easily?

Roy: You'd think. But then everyone gets really careful to keep them all out.

Ofelia: *nods* ...This one wasn't a skin walker...

Roy: *he's gotcha, small one.* Didn't fit through the door?

Ofelia: *shakes her head* It might have? I don't know... It didn't get through, it was trying to catch me.

Roy: And you got away. *a little note of pride there.*

Ofelia: *little bit of a smile* Yes...

Roy: *hah. Victory snuggles.* Nicely done.

Ofelia: *Glad to take the Victory snuggles* Do you think it will stop soon? The dreams?

Roy: I think it's high time we make it. *confident*

Ofelia: How?

Roy: Divine problems have got to have divine solutions.

Ofelia: But the gods left didn't they?

Roy: I'm not so sure about that. *hand in her hair now.* Something to think about in the morning.

Ofelia: *little nod and she'll move her foot to scuff out most of the chalk outline.*

Roy: *long leg will sweep off that hard-to-reach corner.*

Ofelia: *she's more relaxed once the door is more or less gone and honestly calmer instead of the terrified-but-putting-on-a-brave-face.* Thank you.

Roy: Anytime at all.

Ω roy harper, Ω ofelia, Ω tifa lockhart

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