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reallyiamagirl September 16 2009, 02:54:51 UTC
Somehow, Tamaki's words made her relax, just a little. The dress, the scenery, the music... maybe, just maybe, for tonight she could pretend to be the "belle of the ball." Well, maybe not the "belle," but one nonetheless. Even so, she still felt uncomfortable in her dress. The heels she wore did do something to her posture though -- she stood straighter and taller than she ever had, and she noticed it.

Haruhi curved her lips into a closed-lipped smile directed at her senpai, as her hands released the death-grip on her dress, and clasped them behind her back, unsure of what to do with them. She scanned the crowd who were slowly making their way into the courtyard, and so far she knew none. She started unconsciously rocking back and forth on her feet, making her dress bounce around her waist slightly.

"I'm sure I will," she told Tamaki, meeting his gaze.

He looked impeccable in his tuxedo. Of course, he always did, and he could quite possibly make every teenage girl in attendance swoon with just a look. She let out a small chuckle at the thought. Some things just wouldn't change, no matter the setting.

Finally she said, "You look nice too, senpai."


totaldrama_king September 16 2009, 03:11:13 UTC
With her words, he ended up staring into Haruhi's eyes for a few seconds. Suddenly, he realized what he was doing and quickly glanced in the other direction. His face was growing pink again. Why did she have to be so cute in that dress?

"Thanks." Hearing Haruhi's compliment, Tamaki turned back towards her. "You know, this tie and vest are actually from here. It's surprising. With the lack of technology, I wonder how they make such detailed clothing." He smiled, his curiousity lightening the mood for him.

There was an awkward pause before Tamaki met Haruhi's eyes again. "There's not too much dancing music playing right now. Want to see if they have any snacks?"


reallyiamagirl September 16 2009, 03:36:35 UTC
"I just wonder how someone was able to get this many ruffles on one dress," she mumbled in response to Tamaki's comment. Haruhi fluffed her skirt out to prove her point.

To his suggestion about the snacks, she nodded, thankful to move again. For a second, she even wondered if she could sit down in the dress. She pushed the thought aside as she realized her stomach was growling. She didn't eat at all today. So she answered Tamaki with a nod and said, "Yeah. I'm kind of hungry."

Haruhi was doubtful they'd have any ootoro here, but she'd eat whatever was there anyway. Not like she had much of a preference for food. Food was food, and that was it. Besides, eating something might get the feeling of butterflies in her stomach to go away.

And wait, she thought to herself, realizing his quick comment about "dancing music," did he expect to dance with me? There was a quick flashback in her mind to the end of the Ouran Fair, where she actually had her last dance with Tamaki... right before she ended up here.

She followed him, in search of snacks.


totaldrama_king September 16 2009, 03:49:00 UTC
Tamaki chuckled. "You'd be amazed at the things that some people can do." He had seen his fair share of odd clothing or just clothes that make you wonder how it was even possible.

He nodded and led them to the table which had the snacks. Looking back and forth, finally, Tamaki took a small, triangle cut sandwhich that was on the tray in front of him and bit it. "Mmm, these are goods. There's some chocolates and desserts further down the table." He looked at Haruhi. "What do you have a taste for?"


reallyiamagirl September 16 2009, 15:07:14 UTC
She scanned the table of food and settled on the platter of fresh vegetables, just a few steps down. Of all the delicious-looking food there was, she ended up picking up a slice of carrot and started munching on it. The last thing she wanted to do was eat something "messy" and ruin her dress in the process. Part of her knew she shouldn't be acting like this, but she just couldn't help it. It was like an automatic reaction.

But the piece of carrot was helping her stomach. After finishing it, she grabbed a napkin and placed several other vegetables on it and continued to eat.

She looked down in the direction of the desserts that Tamaki-senpai pointed out. They were the most decadent sweets she'd ever seen. Chocolates, cakes, pies, and tarts. Hunny-senpai would've had a ball at that table, she thought absentmindedly.

"Let's go look at the desserts," she said as she finished her food.

A random person accidentally bumped into her then. It was just a slight nudge, purely innocent, but it caused her to stumble forward slightly, and grab Tamaki's wrist to balance herself again.


totaldrama_king September 17 2009, 20:29:14 UTC
He smirked at seeing that Haruhi chose to eat the vegetables. He reached over and grabbed a carrot himself to much on. She was so cute while she ate healthy.

He nodded to her, heading towards the desserts table. Tamaki turned his head, looking at everyone else at the ball. They all had such beautiful clothing and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. It was like the events the host club had. He just wanted to see everyone cheerful.

Tamaki's eyes snapped open as Haruhi grabbed his wrist. He turned quickly. At first, he thought that maybe, she could be trying something but noticing her face, Tamaki shook the thought from his head. He reached over Haruhi and put his hand on her shoulder, trying to help her steady herself. "Are you okay?" Tamaki asked her with a concerned look on his face.


He should ttly feed her cake... LMAO. jk reallyiamagirl September 17 2009, 23:54:56 UTC
When Haruhi had herself steadied, she promptly dropped Tamaki's wrist and straightened herself out. She felt a little embarrassd just grabbing him like that with no warning. It was just that his wrist was the closest thing to grab on to. A slight blush crept up to her cheeks in her embarrassment. She felt like such a klutz.

"I'm fine," she told him as she brushed her hair out of her eyes. She had only been here for two months, but her hair had already started to grow out. It was still short enough not to pull back, but her bangs had seriously started to grow out. She figured she would need some sort of a haircut soon.

"Let's go to the dessert table, hm?" she said and started in that direction.


totaldrama_king September 18 2009, 01:00:29 UTC
His hands fell back to his sides when Haruhi released his wrists. He noticed the piece of hair in her face and as he watched her brush it away, he felt the urge to place it behind her ear himself. Tamaki wanted to see if her hair and face were as soft as they looked.

At once, Tamaki took a step away so he was out of reach. He mentally shook his head. He couldn't go around, thinking of feeling Haruhi's hair. If Haruhi noticed how he was acting, she'd be freaked out. He sighed to himself. Who would have thought it was this hard to be friends with someone you loved more than a friend?

"Yeah. Dessert." He nodded his head, following Haruhi. As they made their way to the table, Tamaki noticed a few pieces of vanilla cake with white frosting and topped with a single strawberry. Haruhi liked strawberries, right? "These look good, don't you think?" He picked up two plates and held one out to Haruhi, hoping she liked this kind of cake.


reallyiamagirl September 18 2009, 02:54:14 UTC
"Yeah, I do," she answered him. She smiled as she took the plate from him and said, "Thanks."

The first thing she did was pick the strawberry off the top of the slice of cake. Then she took a bite. The strawberry was delicious. She hadn't had one in a while, and these were exceptionally sweet and mouth-watering. It was like a sweet explosion in her mouth.

The funny thing about Haruhi was that she wasn't a sweets type of person. Sure, she would indulge herself every once in a while, but desserts weren't on the top of her "things to eat" list. She also wasn't a big fan of icing. So when she finally got to the cake, she took her fork and skimmed off the icing that covered the top of the slice, and eventually took her first bite.

As she continued to eat her piece of cake, she observed the slowly-filling dance floor. So far, everyone she watched was pretty good at... whatever the dance they were dancing was. She just noticed all the twirling the women were doing, probably prompted by their partners. Haruhi wasn't the most knowledgeable person in those matters.

When she was finished, she placed the plate back on the table Tamaki had grabbed it from, and clasped her hands behind her back again.

"You know, I wonder who left this dress for me," she said, trying to start some sort of intelligent conversation between her and her senpai. "It's too weird how it just fit me perfectly and all."


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