We’re a Happy Working Song [Closed]

Sep 14, 2009 13:22

WHO: Batman Bruce Wayne "Clark Kent" and Giselle
WHAT: A discussion about the Madam and her ball
WHERE: The Bathouse
WHEN: Morning, the day before the ball

The curtains were gone. All of them. Bruce was painfully aware of this fact, because he found the light pouring in the windows, and waking him early from his daily four hours of sleep after patrol, and he had gotten the thickest, blackest curtains he could for his room to ensure he could rest in darkness.

Of course, there was little question where the curtains had gone. Giselle had started a project of some kind a few days ago, and the curtains had started disappearing. He had known his would go sooner or later. Until now, he had afforded her her privacy in the matter. He knew she liked surprises, and unpleasant as this particular one was, it was an unintended side effect. He didn't really expect the curtains to work as curtains anymore once she was through with them, so he knew sometime soon he'd have to do something about it, but preferably after she was done to ensure that they wouldn't be used in short order for her surprise as well.

Dragging himself out of bed and knowing he wouldn't get anymore sleep, at least this morning, Bruce made his way to the shower to clean himself off after a long night's patrol. When he emerged, dressed, cleansed, and only slightly damp, he decided he might as well find out what Giselle was working on, if only so he'd know how long they'd have to wait before he could get curtains again. Hearing her singing inside her room, the lilting of birds and chittering of squirrels providing the harmony, Bruce knocked lightly on the door.

"Giselle? Do you mind if I come in?"

Ω batman, Ω giselle

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