Oh well/I guess that's just the way that it is

Aug 03, 2009 18:51

WHO: Tifa Lockhart [anunlockedheart] and Captain Basch fon Rosenburg OF DALMASCA!!! [brotherofhonour] with special guest narrators, Cid Highwind and Balthier.
WHAT: Meeting for a drink, an outing that will be as far from relaxing as possible
WHERE: Bardo's
WHEN: First day of the Narrator Prank, evening

Even though Tifa was pretty @#$%^!& pissed at the booming, manly voice sayin' her every thought, she was happy about this outing. With watching all the goddamn kids she'd picked up in this hellhole, plus the work she did at the ramen place and that dojo joint, she didn't have any time to just kick back and enjoy a good #@$% drink every once in a while.

She sighed for what seemed like the millionth damn time of the day, and waited for the stick in the mud, Captain whathisface, to show up. Damn, the guy was taking forever, but if you ask me, was about time she went out on a real @#%&! date or whatever the hell this was. A ~*brunch*~ or a teaparty, knowing this hoity-toity guy that was gonna show up. He better pay too. Ain't nothin' worse than a cheap #%#^!#, and Tifa was a real classy lady and deserved better than that. Why, I knew this guy a while back, real asshole, who'd talk about--

"Cid..." Tifa rested her head against the counter. One of the veins in her head was showin', which only happens when she's really pisse--oh shit. "Please shut up or get back to the main story...you're killing me."

Sorry about that, Tifa. Got carried away. So anyway, Tifa sat at the bar, already nursing some girly drink with some kinda frilly pink umbrella, waiting for Captain Bernard le Fancypants, or whatever the @&#&**&^ his name was...

basch fon ronsenburg, Ω tifa lockhart

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