To make sure the two of us meet, I cast a spell

Jul 31, 2009 22:39

WHO: Ishida Uryu and Chii Elda
WHAT: Chii is going clothes shopping... including unmentionables.
WHERE: Eagle's Splendour
WHEN: Today, around noon.

[The store was nearly empty, but that was to be expected. It was lunchtime, and everyone but Ishida was on their lunch break-- though some of them should have been back 30 minutes ago-- leaving him alone to mind the shop. He didn't mind too terribly, though, aside from the breach of protocol, for which he'd thoroughly upbraid his coworkers. Still, he actually enjoyed peace and quiet while he worked, and it was rare that anyone came in at this hour, most of them eating themselves. And so he sat near the back of the shop, absorbed in his sewing, only half-listening for the telltale tingling of the bells to indicate someone entering the shop.]

Ω chii, ishida uryu, place - eagle's splendour

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