WHO: Apollo & Ba'ast. WHAT: Dealing with some of the new arrivals. Maybe a little messily. WHERE: Somewhere around the Professional District idk. WHEN: TODAY.
"Nothing ... nothing." Ba'ast scowled, her back hunched slightly as she held her side with her free hand. The pistols, worthless pieces of junk metal, did absolutely nothing to help her. For the moment, she tossed them to the ground. With any luck, they'd be there when she needed them again.
Finally, she addressed Apollo: "Don't get too reckless. I'm going to get serious." She stepped away from her, and every inch of her was absolutely boiling over with rage. She rubbed her fingers together, and with a simple snap, flames erupted at their tips. Suddenly, her slow, calculated walk became a jolting, quick-paced run as she advanced on the creature.
Too quick for her. She wasn't thinking fast enough, and before she even had a chance to make an attack, it jumped to the left. Ba'ast slid to a halt and spun on her heels, raising her arms to combine the flames into a large ball above her head. "You coward! Fight like a man!"
But the blasted thing wouldn't stay still.
She'd have to wait for it.
Wait for it.
The moment it made another move toward her again, she jumped forward and leapt into a backflip, pushing the fireball out with a swift kick before it hit the ground. It soared toward the beast and into its upper chest. It recoiled, and damage had definitely been done, but now it was pissed.
Apollo generally wasn't very good at not being reckless, but she did know when to momentarily step down -- and since it was Ba'ast she was with, she was willing to actually do so. The redhead also forced herself to hold her fire for now, though her attention on the enemy did not waver. She watched with sharp, attentive eyes, observing and analyzing what she could.
Fire was working. Or was it just magic? She couldn't be sure, but there was still an option left in her arsenal.
From one of the many hidden spots under her blouse, the pirate pulled out what was, unmistakably, one of her own homemade hand grenades. Ahh, leave it to Apollo to pull random things that were easily classified as dangerous from her clothes. But, well, things that went bang were the woman's specialty.
It wasn't Apollo to second guess herself, and the pin was already pulled.
"Fire in the hole, Ba'ast!" With utmost precision, the little ball of danger was thrown out of her hands and at the feet of the monster. A small smile graced her lips as it looked down at her bomb, prepared itself to lunge forward, and magically disappeared into a cloud of dust and dirt from the ground with a glorious ka-boom. Apollo waited a few seconds, still and listening, to hear and see no movement. Ah, there that should have done --
Fuck. In the blink of an eye, it was shooting through the dust -- headed directly for Apollo. Without thinking she drew her cutlass, but had to calculate in defense. The blade scraped off the arm of her enemy, she was losing her balance a little, and suddenly something was terribly, horribly wrong.
Pain. It was definitely pain that she was feeling in her left wing.
And without even registering that the pain was being caused by razor sharp teeth cutting through her flesh, drawing blood, ripping feathers and crushing fragile bones of her wing, or the claws slowly digging into her back, Apollo screamed.
Finally, she addressed Apollo: "Don't get too reckless. I'm going to get serious." She stepped away from her, and every inch of her was absolutely boiling over with rage. She rubbed her fingers together, and with a simple snap, flames erupted at their tips. Suddenly, her slow, calculated walk became a jolting, quick-paced run as she advanced on the creature.
Too quick for her. She wasn't thinking fast enough, and before she even had a chance to make an attack, it jumped to the left. Ba'ast slid to a halt and spun on her heels, raising her arms to combine the flames into a large ball above her head. "You coward! Fight like a man!"
But the blasted thing wouldn't stay still.
She'd have to wait for it.
Wait for it.
The moment it made another move toward her again, she jumped forward and leapt into a backflip, pushing the fireball out with a swift kick before it hit the ground. It soared toward the beast and into its upper chest. It recoiled, and damage had definitely been done, but now it was pissed.
Fire was working. Or was it just magic? She couldn't be sure, but there was still an option left in her arsenal.
From one of the many hidden spots under her blouse, the pirate pulled out what was, unmistakably, one of her own homemade hand grenades. Ahh, leave it to Apollo to pull random things that were easily classified as dangerous from her clothes. But, well, things that went bang were the woman's specialty.
It wasn't Apollo to second guess herself, and the pin was already pulled.
"Fire in the hole, Ba'ast!" With utmost precision, the little ball of danger was thrown out of her hands and at the feet of the monster. A small smile graced her lips as it looked down at her bomb, prepared itself to lunge forward, and magically disappeared into a cloud of dust and dirt from the ground with a glorious ka-boom. Apollo waited a few seconds, still and listening, to hear and see no movement. Ah, there that should have done --
Fuck. In the blink of an eye, it was shooting through the dust -- headed directly for Apollo. Without thinking she drew her cutlass, but had to calculate in defense. The blade scraped off the arm of her enemy, she was losing her balance a little, and suddenly something was terribly, horribly wrong.
Pain. It was definitely pain that she was feeling in her left wing.
And without even registering that the pain was being caused by razor sharp teeth cutting through her flesh, drawing blood, ripping feathers and crushing fragile bones of her wing, or the claws slowly digging into her back, Apollo screamed.
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