WHO: Sailor Venus*
luvubby and whoever else is out at night. Fellow Senshi invited. c:!!!
WHAT: Nighttime patrol. Really, she's just hanging out.
WHEN: Tonight! We'll say for the next couple of nights.
WHERE: All over. c:
[Her leg was fully healed...and her ribs had stopped bothering her a while ago, so on this clear evening Sailor Venus was hopping from rooftop to rooftop, speeding up a bit each time she vaulted. At first it'd been out of the hopes she'd run into a fellow superhero...but with the disappearances of Neo-Queen and Neptune, now it was just practice.
A Love-Me Chain shoots out, a flash of bright gold, to disappear into the air. Then a Crescent Beam, and another. She had no real target, but keeping herself sharp was the intent. Finally, the blonde girl sits on the edge of a rooftop, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. Tonight was boring...]
I hope something happens before I have to go home...if I get caught out here, I'm going to be couch-surfing for the next week...[a sigh]
*Note: As a note, Sailor Venus is completely unidentifiable as Aino Minako. Has something to do with magical girl powers.