WHO: Kisa Sohma {
little_tigress} & Tim/Stevie {
WHAT: A demonstration of the Sohma curse in exchange for baking help
WHERE: The Lockhart + kiddies residence
WHEN: The day after
this *~*~*
She knew had they been back home, her revelation of the family curse would have earned her a severe beating from the head of the family. Kisa was glad they were far, far out of Akito's reach where he could not hurt her nor anyone precious to her like he so often did to enforce his power.
Besides, Stevie was kind and helpful to her and Hatsuharu got along well with him. That was all she needed to know about him, that and the fact that the place where he lived smelled a little like the man who had rescued her from the floods.
Kisa finished laying out all the ingredients for forest berry cake, before wiping her hands on
her apron. Then taking a seat at the table, she opened her journal and idly flicked through, as she waited for her friend to visit.