WHO: Kurama, (Goku?), and quite possibly, Cho Gonou uh oh
WHAT: The aftermath of Sora's murder on the psyche of one Cho Hakkai
WHERE: Paradise Blossoms, then moving somewhere else
WHEN: After Clark's entry
Slumped against a tree, outside in the backyard, Hakkai stared blankly ahead of him while his journal lay open at his side. How utterly disgusting a death. Sora, the epitome of innocence and light, slaughtered and dismembered like pieces of a sick scavenger hunt. When he'd read the details, Hakkai could taste the bile in the back of his throat, threatening to rise.
But why should murder phase him? He was a murderer himself, after all. And this wasn't new, for someone he cared about to be captured and tortured while he wasn't looking out for them. It was practically his fault that Sora had met such an awful fate.
The man closed his eyes, a new wave of worry washing over him. Gojyo hadn't been seen in so long, and Hakkai kept promising Goku that the hanyou was fine, but with each passing day, the likelihood grew that he'd disappeared as well. It still killed him to have to lie about Sanzo, too.
Hakkai realized something: even in a different world, he didn't deserve to be happy. His makeshift family was slowly being stolen away from him, his best friend had been missing in action for two months. There were only two constants left, Goku and Kurama.
His fingers brushed against his limiters thoughtfully. There was no Minus Wave here. There would be no consequence for such a thing.
The three silver pieces fell to the ground, on top of the journal. Perhaps madness was preferable to suffering. If he weren't around, the two people left that he cherished would be safe.