More than half-empty [Open; just a little back-logged]

Apr 02, 2009 21:02

WHO: Hitachiin Kaoru and Ishida Uryu
WHAT: Dealing with Twin disappearance (assumed death by the other twin) and perhaps a new business partner
WHERE: Eagle's Splendour
WHEN: Day 361 [March 23 2009]

Do you still remember when we first started playing this game...?
We can't play anymore, Hikaru... This place isn't any fun without you.

If I had to say, Hikaru's actions are one level meaner than Kaoru's.
Gomen ne, Hikaru. You were still the strong one, going through all of that capture stuff, and I...

I'm the one that has to deal with your selfishness all the time.
But that was okay. In truth, I was the selfish one... trying to do everything without you knowing, to take pride in making you happy without you even realizing it. Like I had some sort of power in making people happy while remaining miserable...

Kaoru looked up from his desk, eyes betraying his youthful body; he looked at least three times as old and worn out as a teenager should. He leaned back against the wall, eyes traveling up to the ceiling.

Not even dying my hair will bring your voice back to this place... It's just that- He closed his eyes. You never did like this place did you? But seriously... how in the world am I supposed to do this alone? Without you? It was The Hitachiin Brothers, Hikaru! Always! ALWAYS!

Arms around his body, Kaoru leaned over, barely being able to see through the tears he suddenly couldn't stop. I want to go back to Japan! I want to go back to Hikaru! Why did we have to get separated again?! Just like... just like when I came here! Just like the Weasleys... IT'S NOT FAIR! He felt the non-modern clothing, smelled how rank everything in Eagle's Splendour had become since the flood and lack of repairs, and remembered the weight of carrying a weapon everywhere instead of just a coin purse in your pocket.

The bed's so cold and empty every night now... How am I supposed to be Kaoru anymore when there's no Hikaru in my life?

It was after the store had closed for the day. Kaoru had been in a daze ever since Hikaru had gone missing; he couldn't even bring himself to look at his journal - he searched all over, all by himself, because he wanted to be the one to save the day yet again, to save his brother just like last time. The problem was that in his distress Kaoru forgot that he wasn't the only one last time. And then, when he got back to their house - it would always be their house, their store, their bed - opening and closing the store was the only thing he could do. It was all he had left. The memories of when they'd host parties and design clothes together...

It was all he had.

"Please come back Hikaru... How can I be the-twin-who's-not-Hikaru now? How can I be Kaoru?" The young man stood up and took a few steps until he could see out the back door. "The fact is... I can't." Bowing his head, he leaned against the door frame, pulling his long ponytail around to the front of his body and slowly braiding it; it was down to the middle of his back now, mainly because he couldn't be the short-haired school student from Ouran anymore. That boy was always being mistaken for his twin brother. No one would confuse them anymore. What did I do to drive you away? All of you, so many times... so many people, and now you too...

All at once, everything Kaoru had experience in Rivelata went rushing right out the window. He was a self-absorbed, spoiled, bitter child again.

Narrowing his eyes, he repeated what had been so often said between the brothers before the Host Club came into their lives. "This place is so boring."

Without you.

Ω hitachiin kaoru, ishida uryu, place - eagle's splendour, tamaki suou

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