Sleepless long nights/that was what my youth was for [Closed, in-progress]

Apr 02, 2009 02:26

WHO: A teenage "God Eye" Galatea discogodeye and a (likely exasperated) "Phantom" Miria rebelmirage
WHAT: Galatea's wandering around and Miria's going to pick her up
WHERE: Marketplace
WHEN: Day of the kiddycurse, afternoon (backlogged)

This place was so stupid. She'd been right in the middle of her certification trial, the very thing that would make her a real soldier, with a rank and a symbol, and an actual Claymore, not the stupid training swords, when she'd suddenly been swept away to this island, with people who said they knew her, but she couldn't remember them.

She'd calmed down the Zelos kid, and talked to the boy, Stevie, for a while to figure out what the hell was going on in this place, and she'd spoken to two of her "older sisters," so to speak. Both of them, Teresa and Miria, seemed pretty powerful, and she wondered if she'd be that strong one day. She talked to Miria longer than she'd spoken to Teresa and found out they lived with one another, which was strange in itself, and after some discussion on that creepy Arlecchino guy, she'd agreed to meet her comrade-in-arms(and roommate?) in the Marketplace.

Galatea was a bit tired after lugging around the Claymore that apparently belonged to her, but she did a good job of hiding her exhaustion, shifting to push the sword into the ground and lean against it, as she'd seen some of the older soldiers do at times. She gave the passers-by her absolute best, most withering glare, but with her arms crossed and leaning against a sword almost twice her size, she looked less like an intimidating warrior and more like the annoyed, brash teenager she was at the moment.

This was not helped by the fact that adorable stuffed animals kept falling from the sky onto her head.

galatea, Ω miria, place - market district

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