WHO: Laguna Loire and Jim Hawkins
WHAT: Just a talk between the housemates.
WHERE: In their rather soggy home.
WHEN: Backdated severely, a few days after the water had cleared out?
Laguna was dead tired, sore, and running around with cracked and bruised ribs. Possibly fractured. But they needed to get the house cleaned up. All the furniture and sheets and clotheswere all drying out outside on either a clothes line or any place they could be stored in the sun.
But there was still cleaning the house itself. The water hadn't exactly been clean and while things inside dried fast, it was still dirty. Laguna suppressed a wince, sighing out the pain around his chest, and went back to wiping down the kitchen counter and cabinets. Moving a piece of hair from his face that had fallen from the tie, he called out, "Hey! How are you doin' out there, Jim?"