† don't make a sound, hush and listen

Mar 15, 2009 05:48

WHO: TeresaChrist Of The Faint Smile [Teresachrist], Clare [savedthehead], "God-Eye" Galatea [discogodeye], and Phantom Miria [rebelmirage].
WHAT: Tracing down the bearer of a strong Yoki.
WHERE: It's the Claymore. Where-the-Fuck-Ever They want.
WHEN: ...Evening? Hell if I know.

So there was no one who could be of any assistance. It seemed as though no one had seen, or heard of, Clare. Asking the strange little device used for communication seemed to be a waste of time, and nothing but an annoyance. Only few could give her a straight answer, and the rest were either young children or what appeared to be the mentally unstable.

Hopefully this island would not prove to be as permanent a residence as everyone seemed to be insisting it was.

She had taken up wandering the streets of the city, in vague attempt to try to find the young girl that had been separated from her. The more she walked, the more things came into realization: She couldn't sense any Yoki, at all -- this either meant there were no Claymore, nor any Yoma, or that the guide she had been shown(which really only deserved a glance-over) had been correct. Unfortunate, but Teresa would manage.

People didn't avoid her, or look at her strange. This led her to come to the conclusion(that, really, she had already been thinking of when she'd been talking to that odd boy who spoke of 'vampires' over that peculiar journal) that this city was unaware of 'Claymore.' Or, at the very least, had very different ideas of them.

Teresa continued to walk through the cities streets, keeping an eye on her surroundings. Hopefully soon, she would find Clare and that would settle that minor issue, and they could move onto more important things.

galatea, Ω miria, Ω teresa of the faint smile, Ω clare

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