Who: Jilly [
fairy_skies ], Chrome [
96pineapples ], Shuuichi/Kurama(?) [
fox_shuuichi ], probably Hakkai and Goku too. Open to other worried parties
What: Digging out a buried artist
Where: Housing district then the clinic
When: After
this On the bright side, there wasn't any water...
Well too much water...
But she still had feeling in her arms... Sort of... None in her legs though...
Actually, Jilly couldn't see a damn thing about the situation that was positive. What she could see, that is... Her vision kept slipping in and out, so that when she turned her head to the side, resting it on her arm, the hole her body had created in the upper story looked like a single black dot. A beam lying across her lower back kept her pinned to the ground, preventing her from rolling over and seeing all the damage she had done. Jilly wasn't so sure she even wanted to see.
The woman bit back a sigh, letting her eyes drop shut. She was furious with herself. Furious that she had gotten hurt so easily (because, seriously, who falls through a freaking floor?! or was it the roof that fell on her and then she fell through the...), furious she was putting her friends in the same dangerous position because of her. They had somehow managed to survive the tsunami and now this...
She'd have to apologize to Haru later. The girl didn't need this worry on top of having Yamamoto and Gokudera disappear.
Jilly lay still, listening to water dripping somewhere far off, focusing on breathing deep like Shuuichi had told her.