WHO:Schuldig and Crawford
WHAT: OFF HAITUS :D ie. Waking up from the Coma
WHEN: um. Whatever day we are.
He felt like he was floating. Drifting up out of a heavy crystal fog, piece by piece. Baking. Sweet and spicy wine and tying red ribbon around packages.
Schuldig opened his eyes, blinking past the haze of too much sleep. He hadn’t been drinking and he didn’t remember going to bed. Odd, but sometimes strange things happened when you were a telepath. The mind didn’t always work quite as it should. But it was daylight out and the last thing he remembered was mist and darkness filling his brain. Likely he’d gotten drunk on some brain’s angst nearby. He’d remember the details of Christmas eve later. The memories were there, just buried.
Schuldig sat up and blinked, looking slowly around his room. It looked like Farfarello had found the presents already. It figures he wouldn’t have waited for Schuldig to wake up to open them. It sort of pissed him off. Schuldig rather liked Christmas and even if the Schwarz family was some sort of fucked up imitation, he pretended they were a family for the sake of having an almost authentic Christmas. And presents.
Crawford. Are you awake yet?
Fuck, he was hungry.