Mar 20, 2008 23:58

WHO: Giselle
WHAT: Instead of writing in her newfound journal, Giselle would rather wander around and ask people odd questions.
WHERE: EVERYWHERE. Giselle is wandering aimlessly.
WHEN: Early evening.

Oh dear! )

place - crimson dragon inn, Ω oriya, Ω giselle, Ω hamano jennifer

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how_do_i_know March 21 2008, 05:33:52 UTC
She regarded the man with a curious, wide-eyed expression, as i unable to believe her eyes. Such strange clothing he had on! And such long hair. Why, one might mistake him for a beautiful maiden! "Oh, I see, we--" She cut herself off as she glanced toward the girl, and beamed happily at her mention of a castle.

Her expression brightened even more as her hands were grabbed, and she nodded enthusiastically. She was about to explain her situation to these two strangers before the girl continued babbling on, but Giselle was more than happy to hear the news ... or whatever it was.

"This is so strange. Are you both not from around here, as well? Are you from Andalasia?" Though, she certainly couldn't recall ever seeing someone like that man back home.... Then again, she hadn't seen too many people. "You see, I simply must get back-- but I'm sure my Prince Edward will come looking for me! In the mean time, it never hurts to make new friends~"


sakura_sheath March 21 2008, 05:45:45 UTC
Oriya rubbed at his temples, he could feel a migraine coming on. Both women were talking at what felt like the speed of light. Dream or not, the brothel owner couldn't seem to escape a hangover. The women that were trained within his house were taught to be polite, and to speak when spoken to.
They also didn't point rudely into a mans face, or stare.

"Both of you, slow down." Oriya's voice was deep, and hoarse from the rough boat ride and a bit too much sake. "I'm not from around here, and I'm from Japan." If Oriya had known he would be taking a little trip to nowhere-land, he would of worn a more substantial kimono. The black garment was made of silk, rising clouds and cranes embroidered at the hem. It did little to hide his muscular frame, open to near upper thigh where it closed on one side.

"I could care less about a prince or castle, I just want to get back to my home and sleep this headache off. Do either of you have ANY clue where you are?"


hamanojennifer March 21 2008, 06:05:10 UTC
"Oh silly, I'm not from around here either~~~! ♥ I'm from Japan too! My name is Shibuya Miko, but you~~~" She patted Giselle's hand. "Can just call me Jennifer! Hamano Jennifer, but Jennifer is fine."

She then put a finger to her chin as she appeared deep in thought. "I could've sworn this was The Alternate World, but since I've never been there before I can only assume that this is-" She looked startled and turned to the man. "Oh my, if you have a headache, then we should get you into bed with a cold compress and some aspirin and then you-" She patted Giselle's hands again. "And I can talk about how to go about finding this prince of yours. I'm sure he's a very handsome fellow, which means that we absolutely must find him before any other young ladies try to scoop him up!"

Then Hamano Jennifer grabbed both of them by the wrists, one in each hand, and proceeded to walk down the street as if she knew exactly where she was going.


how_do_i_know March 21 2008, 06:23:37 UTC
"Oh, my! You're both from Japan?! I'm sure it's a lovely place! My name is Giselle," she chirped cheerfully. "It's such a pleasure to meet you both! ...Though you certainly aren't being very nice," she commented, looking toward the strange man.

"You are much too kind, Jennifer! I really do thank you for your help!" She said this as Jennifer led her and the other down the street, her free hand holding her dress up. "Goodness! This is shaping up to be an exciting night. I do hope we can help you with your headache. We should stay with you until you're feeling better. It's alright if we don't look for Prince Edward right away. Surely, he will understand the situation.... He's probably looking for me right now. But it's alright," she insisted. "He is my one true love. We're meant for each other. No other woman could ever hold his heart the way I do." Sighing in an almost dreamy manner, she gazed off to the side as they walked, thinking of her beloved prince. "True love is so wonderful."


sakura_sheath March 21 2008, 21:33:24 UTC
Oriya could of handled being dumped into a strange place ( ... )


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