Watch them, catch them unawares [closed, complete]

Dec 30, 2008 10:50

WHO: C.C. and Laguna Loire
WHAT: And impromptu picnic!
WHERE: The Market.
WHEN: Two days after Christmas?

And see them picnic on their holiday. )

Ω c.c., Ω laguna loire

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prez_leg_cramp December 30 2008, 19:23:59 UTC
Laguna was nursing some hot chocolate. He'd taken one on Seifer's jackets (the guy only wore that ONE jacket all over the place anyway) and used some of his own money for a cap and gloves. Now he was just wandering the marketplace.

It was weird, to be on an island but have it snow like this. Weren't islands suppose to be hot and humid? This was incredibly dry and cold, right now. He hadn't experienced this since going on that one mission in Trabia.

Laguna took another sip of his hot chocolate, it was very delicious. His black cap pushed his hair against his face, his bangs over one eye, but he didn't feel like moving it. He could still see anyway, there was a space between it and all.

He didn't see C.C. pass him, her green hair was hidden.


the_pizza_witch December 30 2008, 19:26:48 UTC
She certainly noticed him. The familiar way he walked, the familiar expression - hidden as it was behind his bangs. C.C. remembered Laguna, and she remembered well the picnic-chat they had when she had last sought a peaceful escape from the chaos of the town. He was a nice, simple man, she knew, and good company.

"Laguna Loire," she said quietly, just over his shoulder. She had a penchant for startling and surprising people, and she was the type to be amused by their reactions. "Isn't it too cold for you to be outside, President?"


prez_leg_cramp December 30 2008, 19:31:29 UTC
"Hm?" Laguna turned and saw the familiar orange eyes, despite the green hair being hidden. "Oh, C.C.!" He smiled softly. "Nah, I'm used to it. Traveling the world can do that."

He'd gotten used to being called 'President' even if he had yet to be inaugurated into the government of Esthar and all. "How about you? Aren't you cold? I'm pretty positive islands aren't suppose to snow like this, after all, and you seem to have been here long enough to have gotten used to the weather."


the_pizza_witch December 30 2008, 19:40:10 UTC
"I've suffered worse things," she answered, turning to look up at the sky. "This isn't bad."

It was true. Torture and execution aside, there had been snowstorms and thunderstorms and bullet storms that the witch had survived, and compared to them the light snowfall of Rivelata was pleasant, even enjoyable.

"I could have a picnic in this sort of weather," she said idly.


prez_leg_cramp December 30 2008, 19:41:19 UTC
Laguna chuckled. "But it'd get all wet. The blanket and the basket."


the_pizza_witch December 30 2008, 19:49:53 UTC
"There are ways to prevent that."

She knew Laguna was a simple-minded man, but she expected him to at least recognize an invitation of he saw it.


prez_leg_cramp December 30 2008, 19:53:10 UTC
"Mm, I suppose so," He replied, taking another sip. "So, would you be using a table then?"

He saw the invite, but he hadn't expected it. Laguna was a bit confused on why the girl would want a picnic now of all times. Not only that, but he got the distinct feeling that she was utterly amused right now.

Laguna grinned lightly. He was amused too.


LOL this is going to be a strange picnic. the_pizza_witch December 30 2008, 19:55:56 UTC
She was vastly amused.

"Yes, we could do that. You should get one from your house."

C.C. wasn't about to lug something that large from Lelouch's, after all. She was a witch, not a warrior, and she was too lazy anyway. She hoped this Laguna was as nice and obedient as the old one had been.


Indeed! XD prez_leg_cramp December 30 2008, 19:59:41 UTC
"And where do I put it?" Laguna had to think if he had a table to take out. He knew they had the kitchen table, but that was far too large for even him to carry.

Well, unless he had help.

But he figured he could check anyway, see if Seifer had a smaller one hidden somewhere. This was one of the few times he left his room, let alone their house, after all.


the_pizza_witch December 30 2008, 20:16:17 UTC
"We'll see."

C.C. didn't know exactly where the picnic was going to be this time. She hadn't planned on one, and she certainly didn't feel like planning. She decided to let Laguna get the table and wander a little more until they found a proper spot.

Not that she would let Laguna know she was going that, even if he didn't seem like the type to object.


prez_leg_cramp December 30 2008, 20:23:14 UTC
They had walked back to his house and he went inside. Laguna searched around the house until he managed to located a wooden table with folding legs in the closet. It was round so he rolled it out.

Laguna spotted her a ways away. "Find a spot?"


the_pizza_witch December 30 2008, 21:26:24 UTC
"We will."

C.C. quirked an eyebrow at him. They would be an amusing sight, the green haired girl and the man rolling a table. She struck off towards the jungle, taking the path that people had been using to get to the frozen lake. She didn't bother checking back to make sure Laguna was still there; she trusted he was sturdy enough to keep up.

She only turned when they had reached the farther side of the lake, and only to let him know to put the table down.

"Don't bother with the legs," she said. "Unless you want a suspended picnic."


prez_leg_cramp December 30 2008, 21:31:57 UTC
And follow her Laguna did. The table wasn't heavy and it was easy to roll, so it was easy enough to stay just behind C.C..

When they reached the far side of the lake, he gently laid the table down. She had a point about the legs, since they never brought chairs. Besides, it wasn't like they actually had any food and Laguna finished his hot chocolate when looking for the table.

"So, now what?"


the_pizza_witch December 30 2008, 21:40:41 UTC
She settled herself on top of the table, remembering suddenly that this Laguna didn't remember their first picnic. She twitched her lips into a smile.

"Have a seat."

With both of them sitting on the table, it would be easy enough to link their minds and cast the illusion, and maybe this time have it be substantial enough for them to be able to eat the food.

"Try not to get scared."


prez_leg_cramp January 1 2009, 20:18:25 UTC
Laguna blinked at her but shrugged. "Sure."

He made himself comfortable on the table and waited for whatever it was she was going to do.


the_pizza_witch January 1 2009, 20:31:24 UTC
The witch offered him the smallest smile before reaching out to his mind and forming the link, stretching the bounds of reality and erecting the illusionary picnic on the blanket and table around them.

It was the same food, generally, as last time, the scones and crumpets the man had asked for before, with the obvious addition of a few pies of pizza.

She hummed, took a slice, and bit into it. Substantial. She smiled.



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