drunk and feeling down, and I just want to be alone; closed/COMPLETE

Nov 20, 2008 12:28

WHO: Buffy Summers and Spike cptperoxide
WHAT: Drunkenness and misdemeanors! 8D
WHERE: Main town square
WHEN: Today, evening.

It seemed like every single day, more and more people from her world were being dragged here. First herself, then Angel, then Willow (although she seemed not to remember who she was and was currently calling herself 'Lily'), and now Spike. The latter being the brash, arrogant Billy Idol wannabe that she was currently scouring the streets for. He was probably drunk, not to mention pissed off, and Buffy wondered why she even bothered.

But she just couldn't get what he'd said out of her mind. That everything he'd done, it was all for her. That she'd loved him. The concept was ridiculous- he'd been her sworn enemy at first and then later became a mere annoyance, once she was sure he couldn't hurt anything. A definite thorn in her side, but he was useful. He had information. That was all she ever went to him for.

The idea that they had become something more-

Buffy shook her head and slipped outside, slipping her boots on hurriedly before she headed straight for the town center. The night air felt cool on her skin, and Spike would no doubt be frequenting on of Rivelata's many bars. The question now was which one. She stopped random people passing by.

"Have you seen a guy? Tall, really pale. Bleached blonde hair and a British accent? He basically looks like Billy Idol. And he may or may not be naked."

Ω spike, Ω buffy summers

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