Who: Lulu and Rikku
What: Discussing the ultimate problem: relationships
Where: Rikku's house
When: Evening of Day 224 [slight backlog]
Rikku paced back and forth worriedly, noticing how Muja kept watching her, as if he was mocking her. She was now eighteen; she should know the ins and outs of relationships. Though why she went to Lulu, she would never know. Just from where she was pulled, Lulu had already had a child. So it just seemed logical to her that Lulu would know anything she needed to know.
And yes. It was amazingly akward. She completely acknowledged that. She just.... didn't want to disappoint Gojyo anytime soon. Not if she could help it.
To make sure Lulu would walk in, she left the door open, just a crack, and hopefully the black mage would get the clue and just walk on in, and upstairs.