(no subject)

Nov 02, 2008 21:47

WHO: Joshua [levitatefusion ] and Sho [inverse_matrix ]
WHAT: A conversation and a level up!
WHERE: Junkhouse Ramen
WHEN: After Sho's last entry. I forgot when that was.

Normally, when one went to talk with someone who tried to kill them on several occasions, they went armed.

Joshua liked to ignore such standards, though, and walked into Junkhouse without an apparent care. Without a gun he could take of himself perfectly fine since he had some of his power back, but he had a feeling he wouldn’t need to defend himself today.

“I’m here~” he called into the ramen shop to alert Sho of his presence.

Sho had bothered to actually listen to Kariya's advice concerning the cooking of ramen, so this time the stuff was a little more edible than his last batch. He walked out of the kitchen then, a bowl in each hand, and set them down on one of the empty tables. It was past closing, so they had no chance of being disturbed.

"Man, I'm never going to equate your current appearance with you, Composer," he said. "You look so much less than your normal age."

Joshua accepted the bowl with a smile, twirling the noodles around his chopsticks. “Oh, I don’t think I’d like looking my actual age at all, but I suppose you mean my normal form. It was quite a strange change at first, but I’ve adjusted.” Honestly, he could have just resumed his normal form by now but he didn’t care too.

"Yeah, that was what I meant," he said, cracking an egg into his noodles before adding a heaping pile of garlic. He slurped thoughtfully for a few moments before launching into what he had to say.
"So, Composer," he said, "I wanted you to know that I'm no longer going to try to reduce you to 0."
"You're still a zetta son of a digit, an odd number and far from prime; but I think I'm starting to factor this equation."
"See, I wanted power; and now I'm thinking that power for its own sake is zetta useless. It's like a remainder to an equation or something. If the power's not doing work, what good is it? And then I think I wanted change 'cause both Shibuya and here sucked, but change for its own sake is just as useless."
"You with me so far?"

Joshua was, surprisingly perhaps, listening to Sho speak and being serious about it. In a way, he sympathized- he had never wanted power for quite that reason, but it was at least similar. "I am."

"I think in some ways, I didn't like the way you were calculating Shibuya. Didn't like the way you ran things," he said. "Anyway, what I think I'm trying to say is that I don't care anymore. I don't need power, don't want it. The benefits don’t outweigh the costs and there's too much out there to live for. I still don't like you or your methods and I don't think I ever will. But I think now I can deal with you."
He tapped his chopsticks against the side of the bowl, pondering. "The world is, in the end, not garbage at all. The world is art, even in its chaos; a fractal, a reimann sum."

The Composer gave a slight chuckle. "There aren't many that like my methods, so you are far from alone there," he said. He didn't like some of the steps he had taken himself, but he had deemed them necessary and there was hardly any point dwelling on the past. Except to learn from it. Which, it seemed, was exactly what Sho was doing.

"I think that's all I wanted to say," he said, finishing up his ramen. "You can take it or leave it. Whatever."

Joshua stood up, having eaten quite a bit of his own ramen. He had listened, and there wasn't much more he could do with this. "I don't think I have much to say either, except a congratulations."

"Congratulations for what?" asked Sho.

"Well, a couple things, but mostly..." The Composer smiled. "Your Imagination has gotten quite a bit higher." With a small wave, he headed towards the door.

Sho stared after the Composer, blinking. Then he grinned. "Sho +1 level!" he crowed, and then got to work cleaning up.

Ω kiryu "joshua" yoshiya, place - junkhouse ramen, Ω sho minamimoto

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