No one can see it but you know that it's there [Closed, Complete]

Oct 28, 2008 22:18

WHO: Yuuko (whatisyourwish) and Hisoka (justamagician)
WHAT: A very tense conversation
WHERE: The beach
WHEN: Day 215

Yuuko was spending time exploring the island. She had chosen the beach this time, to avoid the chaos of the city. The quiet air and the sound of the tide was a welcome relief from the commotion that had been going on for the past couple days. She knew Mokona hadn't liked her order to stay indoors, but she didn't want anything to happen to Soel. She would deal with the little manjuu bun when she got back.

She had been so lost in thought that she hadn't partiularly noticed her surroundings. Then she sensed something. Someone with power stronger than what was normal in Rivelata. She looked up, and saw a figure standing a little ways a way. Hisoka. The murdering clown. The one who had taken Rikku's crystal. Her eyes narrowed slightly, her expression growing grim. She didn't move. She didn't get his attention, but she didn't run away. If he noticed her, then she would speak to him. She would leave it up to him.

place - beach, yuuko ichihara, Ω hisoka

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