light and dark; [closed]

Oct 27, 2008 07:51

WHO: Yugi Motou, Yami Yugi.
WHAT: Retrieving the Aibou.
WHERE: Market/Inn.
WHEN: Evening last night.

It had been a while since he'd seen Yami. Months. He'd gotten almost used to not having the ancient spirit in his mind; used to how empty his room now felt without someone to talk to. He'd thought Yami was gone for good.

At least until now.

Now he was here -- even though he was from the past -- and Yugi was having a hard time containing himself. This was his last chance to see the Pharaoh. A thought struck him. Was Yami in a physical body? Or was he a spirit..? He mentioned the Inn -- and that made him think Yami really did. Which made sense when Yugi thought about it, he supposed, considering Dartz had taken his soul..

He sat patiently on a bench, kicking his feet back and forth as he waited outside the bakery. He would've liked to just run the way to the Inn to find the Pharaoh, but of course Yami was insistent on the other way around. He just hoped nothing happened to him on the way ... He didn't want to lose this chance.

Ω yugi motou, Ω yami yugi, place - market district

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