WHO: Adam Monroe (
oh_immortal), Claire Bennet (
oww_pavement), Hiruma Youichi (
king_devilbat, Antubis (
kingdomskeeper), and potentially Sex Bomb Peter Petrelli (
WHAT: YOU GOT MONROLLED Having access to the entire stock of booze at the disco and also theorizing something about grand opening events is never the best combination. At least Adam doens't have pamphlets.
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Adam had done well in alerting Antubis of this occasion. Knowing how prude Hiruma seemed to be, Adam would need all the help he could get.
He'd taken his time in arriving though, instead gathering as many bottles of whatever he could find. Adam mentioned booze and Antubis was more than happy to have one or two or twenty drinks. He walked through the streets, bags in one hand and a bottle of dark liquor in the other, the anteater drinking through a straw stuck in the bottle. As he walked, discreetly changing between anteater and human in an obvious fashion, before finally arriving at the disco.
Doors...overrated! Of course! Phasing right on in, he tossed the bags aside and called out to Adam. "Hey, Immortal Sexface! Are the victims here yet?" He walked into the office and, bottle and straw in hand and looking more than a bit flushed.
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