say goodbye as we dance witht the devil tonight [closed/complete]

Aug 27, 2008 23:28

WHO: The white reaper, Shirosaki (hollowest) and Yumichika Ayasegawa (fiveisbetter)
WHAT: A fight to the bitter end (character death of Yumichika)
WHERE: The beach
WHEN: Does it really matter?

Finally, finally the Hollow had caught up with the little shithead from the 11th squad. He saw him in the market, and challenged him, right then and there. Yumichika had insisted they move to a more remote location, or else he would not fight at full strength.

The white reaper would be having none of that. The pair moved to the beach, the sand shifting under their sandals. A look of calm and contentment, perhaps even cockiness, crossed Yumichika's face. Hichigo wore his usual small grin. The grin spread into a psychotic tear in his mouth, like some sort of inter-dimensional rift had opened.

The fight was intense. Incredibly intense. So fast, anyone watching would only be able to see blurs, to feel the heat of the energy they were giving off, the sounds of their swords clanging and the occasional scream of agony or shout of victory.

The shinigami put up a good fight. By the end, Hichigo was bruised, battered, bleeding, and had at least 3 broken bones. But the berserker never stopped, wouldn't stop, couldn't stop. He wanted to kill the shinigami. He had to, it was his destiny.

And so he did. The reaper managed to form a proper Getsuga Tenshou energy wave, a sickle shaped ray of pure white light that cut Yumichika nearly in half. The light itself was eerier, giving off a reddish glow despite it's blinding white color. And in a matter of a few moments, it was over. The hollow approached the fallen reaper, still hanging on to his last breaths.

"What a beautiful end to such an... ugly life!" Hichigo cackled, horribly, demonically, and plunged his sword straight into the other reaper's pretty little skull. Then, the soul was his for the taking. Hichigo absorbed it, the body of the fallen reaper fading away, along with a few of the white monster's wounds.

In the end, all that was left was a pile of clothes, still posed like the reaper had fallen, and blood-soaked sand. Not even the shinigami's sword remained.

That was the end of Yumichika Ayasegawa.

Ω yumichika ayasegawa, place - beach, Ω shirosaki hichigo

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