WHO: All of the captives that were taken during the bloodbath ball, and the guards who watch them. WHAT: Adventures while... being stuck in a cave. WHERE: That's a secret! WHEN: Several hours after the ball, begins early morning.
Re: [Open to Anyone. ;; ]pilferessMarch 13 2008, 03:04:48 UTC
"It's nice to meet you, Rosa. I mean, uh. I wish it could have been in a different situation," she amended with a nervous giggle. "But, well, y'know," Rikku prattled on, stumbling for the right words. "I'm glad you're okay, all considered. And I'm glad that, you know, I'm here with someone nice," she said, unable to keep the notes of genuine gratitude and relief out of her voice.
Rikku stood close by as Rosa stood, hovering close in case her new friend might stumble or have problems, careful to keep one hand on her arm to help steady her balance. An uneven floor like this in dressy clothes just wasn't realistic. But walking around in her socks was turning out to sort of be not-so-great a plan, either, since now they were pretty much soaked with water.
Rikku lead the way slowly to the wall, holding Rosa's hand even though it seemed unlikely they'd get seperated or terribly lost. She waved her free hand about her in the front to check for obstacles and nudging her feet about to check for uneven ground and the possible people still laying down. When she finally reached the wall, she breathed a small sigh of relief and began the slow movement along the way. "Yeah, that's true! I don't know what we can use to cut it, though...? Think it'll tear easy enough with hands and teeth...?" Rikku hadn't had a knife to begin with this time--an oversight she would be correcting if they ever got out of here!--but she imagined that they'd all been searched and had their weapons removed. At least, that's what they had done to the Summoners. Wonder if this is what they call karma, Rikku mused.
Rikku thought she heard the sound of someone sniffling. Someone's crying? She couldn't see them in the dark, and when her hand reached out, it met nothing but wall. Still, a tentative prod of her stockinged foot connected with something. "Hello," she called out hesitantly.
For the most part, Rosa seemed relatively composed and level-headed, each of her steps cautious and sure before laying the next one out ahead. The tightness of which she held Rikku's hand with was the only testament to what really lay beneath the surface of her forced composure. She was still catching up with the situation. What had become of the ball and what was to come within this new room.
"There should be a way to cut an opening into the cloth with a jagged stone," Rosa replied at length as they went, if only to hear the reassurance of voices and conversation. Stones seemed to be in abundance within the cell. And if it wasn't jagged enough, running a few bound threads over one long enough was bound to make it fray sooner or later. As the sounds focused further into a quiet, almost cornered, sobbing, Rosa stood still next to Rikku, listening. She didn't wait for a reply to the other girl's call before she slowly lowered herself back down upon the new ground, lightly tugging on Rikku's hand with her.
"Are you in pain? I'm Rosa. And this is my friend, Rikku. What's your name?" She asked quietly and gently so as not to surprise the person. Even as she spoke in an attempt to distract her from the cold, the pain, the anxiety, or whatever it was that she was suffering from, her eyes were quickly looking over the huddled frame, pausing long over the angle at which she rested one of her legs.
She could hear people. People were talking. She tried to listen, but the panic and anxiety creeping up in her chest was just too much. She covered her mouth to try to keep in any sounds that might attract attention, but had apparently failed miserably. Miranda could hear someone -- no, it was two people -- advancing on her. She wasn't paying too much attention to it, however; the tension in her chest and the fear that overwhelmed her to the point where every tear was only of fear; she couldn't even feel her leg any more.
And then she heard something. Someone's voice, calling out from right beside her. Poor Miranda hadn't even noticed anybody that close. Then a foot connected with her swollen ankle, and the pain in her foot was now completely memorable in her mind. She let out a muffled cry of pain, struggling not to me too loud. In such an empty space, it would surely echo.
A hand went to her foot, holding her ankle. Where had her shoes gone? Who knew. She didn't care right now. She could feel something wet, though, and she had a feeling it wasn't the water dripping from all over the cave. Teary eyes widened in surprise and maybe even fear as she looked up at the two women.
Rosa, and Rikku? Others from the village, she figured. From the ball. The names were familiar; perhaps from the journals? She bit her lip, offering a small nod and a mousy-sound escaped her lips as she did so. "I.. I'm.. M-Miranda," She choked out, trying to calm her fidgety nerves. She didn't want to worry strangers.
Rikku backed up at the small noise of pain. Obviously, she'd accidentally hurt the girl. "Sorry, sorry," she apologized, feeling absolutely terrible. Be a little more careful next time, she scolded herself. Actually, the voice in her head sounded a little bit like Lulu... but that was besides the point. Rikku knelt down next to Rosa.
"Hi, Miranda," Rikku said, tentatively putting her hand out and feeling for Miranda's shoulder. It seemed like the girl could use some comfort; if the only thing Rikku could offer was the reassurance of touch. It seemed like the girl was shaking--maybe because of her crying, or the shivering from the cold, or possibly fear or pain. Or maybe Rikku was imagining it. Anyone could tell that everything was definitely not okay with this girl, but Rikku would go ahead and ask anyway. "Are you okay? Hurt anywhere? Can you stand up?"
Rosa started when the girl had clutched for her ankle, the suspicion for the way the red light glinted upon the likewise sheen over her leg more or less confirmed. It was only when Rikku began to quickly apologize that Rosa began to realize just how they had found exactly where she was. "It's all right," she told them, both. Of course it was unintentional, but she also didn't wish Rikku to feel any less motivated. Rosa needed her as much as anyone else did to keep their spirits up. Rosa soon shuffled around Rikku so that she could sit closer while Rosa moved to face across the girl against the wall.
"It'll be all right. We're all here for one another," Rosa said again, barely touching Miranda's upper arm which still seized the injury. "I'm a White Mage. I work at the clinic." She waited, not wanting to overwhelm Miranda with anymore questions, and hoped she would provide an answer to the important ones Rikku had presented.
Rikku noticed that it had been a while still, and Miranda hadn't really spoken much still. She hoped the girl wasn't afraid. "You don't have to be scared, we're friends." Coming from another person, this might have been something of a lie, but despite the rather abysmal conditions around them, Rikku didn't feel too worried.
"Or, uhm, do you want some water, maybe? Is your throat too dry?" Maybe that was it. Rikku looked around--there was water dripping down the walls in some places, though not in any substantial amount. However, there was a tiny waterfall towards the end not too far away that Rikku was pretty sure they could get water from. Only problem being, how to get it back to Miranda...
She shook her head quickly at the suggestion of water. No, she didn't need water. She was fine. Well, that was a lie. She was terrified, felt panic in her chest still, and felt pain in her ankle. Miranda was far from fine, but she wasn't about to go saying that.
"N-no! I .. I don't.." She took a deep breath, trying to calm her shaking voice. "..N-need water.." She murmured. Feeling someone else's hand on her shoulder, concerned and caring made her feel a little better. At least she wasn't stuck in this cave with people she wouldn't get along with... No, these people seemed like nice people.
"I.. I think.. I think I'm okay..." She squeaked out. It was only the anxiety, fear and pain, really. At the question of injuries, she shook her head quickly once more. Her wet hair plastered to her face, and she bit her lip. "J-just.. my ankle.."
Rosa had to remain patient, not prodding or pushing for whatever was ailing the woman. At least not before there was some sort of clear consent or sign. Something that indicated that her help and their company would not be pushed away. With Rikku's encouragement and the eventual replies that came, it seemed that so far, they were steadily making progress.
"The cotton lining of our gowns might be able to hold enough water to drink," Rosa spoke thoughtfully. "It's crude, I know, but if there is no other choice, it is an option."
For a few tense moments, Rosa squinted into the dim light and dark, trying to make more detail of the ankle that Miranda finally indicated. It was already clear from the shakiness of her voice that there was more than just nervousness and anxiety at play. As each outline became more distinguished, it became more apparent that the injury was no mere sprain.
"Do you know what's wrong?" Rosa asked, knowing that it would have been easier to learn by questions rather than putting her through more pain of finding out. At least, if she didn't already know. "The most I can think of is making a splint for you. But unless we're able to find a firmer support, I can only bind it to that the pressure doesn't move and bother you quite as much. At the least, it seems the bleeding has slowed."
Rikku was no doctor or white mage, but she and her friends had sustained a number of injuries on the pilgrimage to Zanarkand, not to mention the journey to collect the dresspheres. And if she did know one thing, splint was synonymous with a broken bone. She actually had to bite her lip to keep from crying out; somehow, she didn't imagine that her own panic was going to help calm Miranda down.
Rikku nervously twisted her hair between her thumb and forfinger. What to do...? If Miranda's ankle was broken, there was no way she'd be up and walking soon. They'd need to carry her around. But even more importantly, they didn't have any kind of medicine to deal with that kind of pain. She didn't even have any potions on her--not that she thought they'd do any bit of good, even if she had ninety-nine of them. While Rosa checked Miranda over, Rikku opened her journal and looked around to see what was going on with the rest of the world. It seemed everyone was very confused, and although plenty of people wanted to help, there just didn't seem to be enough--or even the right--information to give him. Rikku shut the book and resolved not to let it get her down. At least people wanted to help and were working at it--where there was a will, there was always a way! In the mean time, we just need to stay positive and do what we can one step at a time.
"Well, I could use some water," she declared. "So I don't mind getting some." Rikku undid the knot of cloth in her dress and started to pull and stretch. The cloth didn't budge at first, but when Rikku used her knee to act as a counter force, she was able to make the cloth tear with relative ease, albeit a surprisingly loud echo. She ripped the skirt so that the hem line ended in fray some ways above her own ankle. It seemed to be plenty of material, though it was a dit dirty at the hems. Not alot to be done about that, she mused to herself. Though I guess I can try to wash it off in the water, it couldn't hurt at least.
That was when Rikku realized that, actually, the only way she was going to be able to get at the waterfall--which was actually outside their cell--was to talk to the guards. Her perky mood wavered, momentarily deflated. Surely they wouldn't begrudge her just a cup of water...? Or maybe they would. Rikku kept smiling, but there was a renewed, nervous energy to her motions now. She stood up a little too fast and the world spun a bit. Ooh. Maybe I got hurt a little worse than I thought, she thought to herself, glad at least for her sure footing. Better just take it slow. The last thing we need is someone else out of commission...
When her vision returned to normal and the little bit of nausea passed, Rikku continued. "Uhm, I'll see about getting some of that water from those guards. And you can use this cloth for, uhm, cleaning up her leg and making sure it's dry, and stuff. Maybe it would be worth trying to use your magic, Rosa," Rikku suggested, remembering a brief conversation she'd had with a man over her journal. "It couldn't hurt, at least. Y'know, just to try?" If it worked, then great... if not, though, they'd have to see about getting material for a splint. And that was going to be a lot more difficult. Actually, the whole prospect of setting this poor girl's leg in this condition seemed daunting.
[ ooc: edited and reposted; I asked Andrei for clarification, and the mini-waterfall is outside of their actual cell and in the main area with the guard(s). Sorry bout all this!]
Miranda was slowly calming down. The shaking became less noticeable, and she was beginning to catch her wits. "I.. I think... It's just broken, but I don't know..." She was never good at that sort of thing. She remembered, as a child, breaking her arm and not really getting that it was broken until her parents took her to the doctors... But the pain was similar. Similar, but a lot worse.
She listened to Rikku suggest she get some water, and watched the girls figure slowly become harder to see as she walked away. Magic? This Rosa girl could use magic...? Wouldn't that hurt, to speed up the healing process? It reminded Miranda of her Time Record, for a brief moment. She missed it, but at the same time, she knew it wouldn't work here. If it did, she could at least reverse the injury until she got out... But no such luck, of course.
With a deep breath, Miranda tried to calm her nerves just a little more. She didn't want to be a burden on these people. These nice people who were offering to help her... She felt a little bad. Looking down at her hands over her ankle, she fell silent.
Rosa couldn't help but to cast a wary glance over her shoulder toward the front of the cell, where the guards sat and conversation with them was ongoing. The pleas for water, even, seemed hard pressed to gain a compassionate ear. But if there were no other way, then all they could do was ask. The worst they could say was no, and they could always try again and again.
"Rikku, be careful," Rosa called quietly after her. She would have quickly got up and offered to go herself if not for the slowness in her movements, where the repercussions were alreadu demonstrated by Rikku's very slight pause after she had too quickly risen. After turning her attention back to the task at hand, she slowly exhaled to steady her own balance and thoughts, focusing on the place where Miranda's hands protectively guarded the main source of pain.
"I will try." She said, determined. "White Magic heals. You will feel warmth, and sometimes there is light. You will know that it is working when the pain steadily dissipates." Placing her hands very gently around Miranda's knuckles, where they grasped her leg, Rosa closed her eyes and concentrated, attempting to summon every memorized whisper and tug of her consciousness around the surroundings, the earth, anything it could offer.
It was expected. Nothing. It was expected but it was still vastly disappointing, every time she tried with each patient she saw. And Rosa could not seem to help but to finally feel tears pricking at her pale ochre eyes. Her hands were warm around Miranda's now from her effort alone, and for the time being it was all she could offer.
"I'm so sorry." Rosa apologized, lowering her head and dabbing her eyes quickly with the cloth before she embarrassed herself further. It was all she could do just to clean the wound with the piece Rikku had left, as if by tears alone. "I can't use my magic, no matter how much I want, need, it. I'll wrap it as best I can for now, but, please, be strong. You're not alone."
Rikku came back, carefully carrying the mug so that the contents of water didn't spill. She felt bold from her success, but that didn't mean she wanted to have to go back and ask for more just because she'd been clumsy. Somehow, she didn't think anyone would enjoy having to play gopher repeatedly. Better to save the guards' good mood for as long as possible. At least, it would make things easier for a while.
How long are we going to have to stay here, she wondered. Days? Weeks? Months? Rikku had to force herself to think about something else; there were more pressing things to worry about right now. Like Miranda.
"I'm back," Rikku announced cheerfully. "With water!" She couldn't help but sound proud. Rikku looked back and forth between Miranda--who seemed to at least be finding some more courage, even if she wasn't actually feeling better--and Rosa, who looked depressed. "No luck with the magic, huh," Rikku asked, crouching down, unable to keep a tinge of regret from her voice. If they could have used magic--it would have made things easier. Even if they could only use restorative magic, that would be something to give them a little hope. It seemed, though, that they weren't going to be given a break. Rikku hated to admit it, but this Immaculada was pretty amazing to be able to cut them off from their powers like that. Amazingly cruel.
"The guard was nice enough to give me some water. And I saw...." Rikku trailed off, noticing the way that her exhuberant voice was carrying around the cavern. She'd forgotten how much sound echoed. Everyone could hear exactly what she was saying. Okay for now, but if they ever did come up with a plan--it was going to be impossible to try to communicate without the strong possibility of the guards overhearing. "...I saw," she continued, "that the guard here has plenty of supplies, and he seems fairly friendly. So, if we need help for Miranda's split, they might be willing to lend a hand."
Rikku placed the cup down next to her. "If you're thirsty, you guys should take a drink. Although, uhm, I guess we might need it to, uh, wash away any dirt. From the wound. I guess." Rikku felt rather nervous, a combination of uncertainty when dealing with such serious injuries, and because she had to hope that what she was about to try would work. It seemed like everyone else had figured out the right way to make things private from the guards; now she'd just have to hope that she knew the way to do it, too (she was pretty certain she had a good idea how it worked) and that Rosa would figure out what she was doing. Rikku took out her journal and quickly wrote into it her intended message--to all of the captives, and to Rosa especially.
[ooc; holy shit, guys, im sorry; I never got notifications to my email for this. D; I didn't realize anyone posted.]
Miranda watched Rosa, letting the woman wrap her hands around her own over her ankle. She didn't feel anything like Rosa described, so she assumed it just didn't work... She took a deep breath, turning one hand around to lightly squeeze Rosas' hand before she pulled it away, as though saying it was fine that the other couldn't fix her ankle.
She heard Rikku return, glancing up at her. She wasn't sure what to expect, anymore, but at least she had people who were nice to her here... She brushed her hair out of her eyes, looking up at what she could see of the woman. "I'm alright.." She wasn't that thirsty -- she could last for a while longer without a drink. For now, they should save what they could of it.
[ooc: no worries. sorry for the lengthy delay myself; out this weekend with homework and easter and a faulty connection and helping to clean up stuff after fire destroyed my dad's apartment.]
Rikku wondered what they should do next. It seemed like trying to get some help--some real medical supplies--for Miranda might be a good idea. But then, so did trying to talk to the rest of the captives, like the other girl in the journals had suggested. And really, Rikku was really worried--it seemed like a lot was going on outside. A lot, a lot. People were mounting real rescue attempts--and real foolish ones, too. Rikku knew plenty of those--they'd gone charging right into Bevelle. It had worked out okay, in the end, but they'd been--lucky. And good. If Yunie and Tidus and Sir Auron were here, well, she'd be sure they'd make it okay, no matter what--
Stop thinking like that, she told herself. What good is being negative going to do you? Get over it and think--think harder! "How long do you think we've been here," Rikku wondered aloud. It seemed to her that the dates on the journal didn't match up to how much time she felt had passed. But really, she couldn't be sure anymore. This place was just--so, so strange.
Rikku stood close by as Rosa stood, hovering close in case her new friend might stumble or have problems, careful to keep one hand on her arm to help steady her balance. An uneven floor like this in dressy clothes just wasn't realistic. But walking around in her socks was turning out to sort of be not-so-great a plan, either, since now they were pretty much soaked with water.
Rikku lead the way slowly to the wall, holding Rosa's hand even though it seemed unlikely they'd get seperated or terribly lost. She waved her free hand about her in the front to check for obstacles and nudging her feet about to check for uneven ground and the possible people still laying down. When she finally reached the wall, she breathed a small sigh of relief and began the slow movement along the way. "Yeah, that's true! I don't know what we can use to cut it, though...? Think it'll tear easy enough with hands and teeth...?" Rikku hadn't had a knife to begin with this time--an oversight she would be correcting if they ever got out of here!--but she imagined that they'd all been searched and had their weapons removed. At least, that's what they had done to the Summoners. Wonder if this is what they call karma, Rikku mused.
Rikku thought she heard the sound of someone sniffling. Someone's crying? She couldn't see them in the dark, and when her hand reached out, it met nothing but wall. Still, a tentative prod of her stockinged foot connected with something. "Hello," she called out hesitantly.
"There should be a way to cut an opening into the cloth with a jagged stone," Rosa replied at length as they went, if only to hear the reassurance of voices and conversation. Stones seemed to be in abundance within the cell. And if it wasn't jagged enough, running a few bound threads over one long enough was bound to make it fray sooner or later. As the sounds focused further into a quiet, almost cornered, sobbing, Rosa stood still next to Rikku, listening. She didn't wait for a reply to the other girl's call before she slowly lowered herself back down upon the new ground, lightly tugging on Rikku's hand with her.
"Are you in pain? I'm Rosa. And this is my friend, Rikku. What's your name?" She asked quietly and gently so as not to surprise the person. Even as she spoke in an attempt to distract her from the cold, the pain, the anxiety, or whatever it was that she was suffering from, her eyes were quickly looking over the huddled frame, pausing long over the angle at which she rested one of her legs.
And then she heard something. Someone's voice, calling out from right beside her. Poor Miranda hadn't even noticed anybody that close. Then a foot connected with her swollen ankle, and the pain in her foot was now completely memorable in her mind. She let out a muffled cry of pain, struggling not to me too loud. In such an empty space, it would surely echo.
A hand went to her foot, holding her ankle. Where had her shoes gone? Who knew. She didn't care right now. She could feel something wet, though, and she had a feeling it wasn't the water dripping from all over the cave. Teary eyes widened in surprise and maybe even fear as she looked up at the two women.
Rosa, and Rikku? Others from the village, she figured. From the ball. The names were familiar; perhaps from the journals? She bit her lip, offering a small nod and a mousy-sound escaped her lips as she did so. "I.. I'm.. M-Miranda," She choked out, trying to calm her fidgety nerves. She didn't want to worry strangers.
"Hi, Miranda," Rikku said, tentatively putting her hand out and feeling for Miranda's shoulder. It seemed like the girl could use some comfort; if the only thing Rikku could offer was the reassurance of touch. It seemed like the girl was shaking--maybe because of her crying, or the shivering from the cold, or possibly fear or pain. Or maybe Rikku was imagining it. Anyone could tell that everything was definitely not okay with this girl, but Rikku would go ahead and ask anyway. "Are you okay? Hurt anywhere? Can you stand up?"
"It'll be all right. We're all here for one another," Rosa said again, barely touching Miranda's upper arm which still seized the injury. "I'm a White Mage. I work at the clinic." She waited, not wanting to overwhelm Miranda with anymore questions, and hoped she would provide an answer to the important ones Rikku had presented.
"Or, uhm, do you want some water, maybe? Is your throat too dry?" Maybe that was it. Rikku looked around--there was water dripping down the walls in some places, though not in any substantial amount. However, there was a tiny waterfall towards the end not too far away that Rikku was pretty sure they could get water from. Only problem being, how to get it back to Miranda...
"N-no! I .. I don't.." She took a deep breath, trying to calm her shaking voice. "..N-need water.." She murmured. Feeling someone else's hand on her shoulder, concerned and caring made her feel a little better. At least she wasn't stuck in this cave with people she wouldn't get along with... No, these people seemed like nice people.
"I.. I think.. I think I'm okay..." She squeaked out. It was only the anxiety, fear and pain, really. At the question of injuries, she shook her head quickly once more. Her wet hair plastered to her face, and she bit her lip. "J-just.. my ankle.."
"The cotton lining of our gowns might be able to hold enough water to drink," Rosa spoke thoughtfully. "It's crude, I know, but if there is no other choice, it is an option."
For a few tense moments, Rosa squinted into the dim light and dark, trying to make more detail of the ankle that Miranda finally indicated. It was already clear from the shakiness of her voice that there was more than just nervousness and anxiety at play. As each outline became more distinguished, it became more apparent that the injury was no mere sprain.
"Do you know what's wrong?" Rosa asked, knowing that it would have been easier to learn by questions rather than putting her through more pain of finding out. At least, if she didn't already know. "The most I can think of is making a splint for you. But unless we're able to find a firmer support, I can only bind it to that the pressure doesn't move and bother you quite as much. At the least, it seems the bleeding has slowed."
Rikku nervously twisted her hair between her thumb and forfinger. What to do...? If Miranda's ankle was broken, there was no way she'd be up and walking soon. They'd need to carry her around. But even more importantly, they didn't have any kind of medicine to deal with that kind of pain. She didn't even have any potions on her--not that she thought they'd do any bit of good, even if she had ninety-nine of them. While Rosa checked Miranda over, Rikku opened her journal and looked around to see what was going on with the rest of the world. It seemed everyone was very confused, and although plenty of people wanted to help, there just didn't seem to be enough--or even the right--information to give him. Rikku shut the book and resolved not to let it get her down. At least people wanted to help and were working at it--where there was a will, there was always a way! In the mean time, we just need to stay positive and do what we can one step at a time.
"Well, I could use some water," she declared. "So I don't mind getting some." Rikku undid the knot of cloth in her dress and started to pull and stretch. The cloth didn't budge at first, but when Rikku used her knee to act as a counter force, she was able to make the cloth tear with relative ease, albeit a surprisingly loud echo. She ripped the skirt so that the hem line ended in fray some ways above her own ankle. It seemed to be plenty of material, though it was a dit dirty at the hems. Not alot to be done about that, she mused to herself. Though I guess I can try to wash it off in the water, it couldn't hurt at least.
That was when Rikku realized that, actually, the only way she was going to be able to get at the waterfall--which was actually outside their cell--was to talk to the guards. Her perky mood wavered, momentarily deflated. Surely they wouldn't begrudge her just a cup of water...? Or maybe they would. Rikku kept smiling, but there was a renewed, nervous energy to her motions now. She stood up a little too fast and the world spun a bit. Ooh. Maybe I got hurt a little worse than I thought, she thought to herself, glad at least for her sure footing. Better just take it slow. The last thing we need is someone else out of commission...
When her vision returned to normal and the little bit of nausea passed, Rikku continued. "Uhm, I'll see about getting some of that water from those guards. And you can use this cloth for, uhm, cleaning up her leg and making sure it's dry, and stuff. Maybe it would be worth trying to use your magic, Rosa," Rikku suggested, remembering a brief conversation she'd had with a man over her journal. "It couldn't hurt, at least. Y'know, just to try?" If it worked, then great... if not, though, they'd have to see about getting material for a splint. And that was going to be a lot more difficult. Actually, the whole prospect of setting this poor girl's leg in this condition seemed daunting.
[ ooc: edited and reposted; I asked Andrei for clarification, and the mini-waterfall is outside of their actual cell and in the main area with the guard(s). Sorry bout all this!]
She listened to Rikku suggest she get some water, and watched the girls figure slowly become harder to see as she walked away. Magic? This Rosa girl could use magic...? Wouldn't that hurt, to speed up the healing process? It reminded Miranda of her Time Record, for a brief moment. She missed it, but at the same time, she knew it wouldn't work here. If it did, she could at least reverse the injury until she got out... But no such luck, of course.
With a deep breath, Miranda tried to calm her nerves just a little more. She didn't want to be a burden on these people. These nice people who were offering to help her... She felt a little bad. Looking down at her hands over her ankle, she fell silent.
"Rikku, be careful," Rosa called quietly after her. She would have quickly got up and offered to go herself if not for the slowness in her movements, where the repercussions were alreadu demonstrated by Rikku's very slight pause after she had too quickly risen. After turning her attention back to the task at hand, she slowly exhaled to steady her own balance and thoughts, focusing on the place where Miranda's hands protectively guarded the main source of pain.
"I will try." She said, determined. "White Magic heals. You will feel warmth, and sometimes there is light. You will know that it is working when the pain steadily dissipates." Placing her hands very gently around Miranda's knuckles, where they grasped her leg, Rosa closed her eyes and concentrated, attempting to summon every memorized whisper and tug of her consciousness around the surroundings, the earth, anything it could offer.
It was expected. Nothing. It was expected but it was still vastly disappointing, every time she tried with each patient she saw. And Rosa could not seem to help but to finally feel tears pricking at her pale ochre eyes. Her hands were warm around Miranda's now from her effort alone, and for the time being it was all she could offer.
"I'm so sorry." Rosa apologized, lowering her head and dabbing her eyes quickly with the cloth before she embarrassed herself further. It was all she could do just to clean the wound with the piece Rikku had left, as if by tears alone. "I can't use my magic, no matter how much I want, need, it. I'll wrap it as best I can for now, but, please, be strong. You're not alone."
((OOC: No worries, Rikku-mun! =3))
How long are we going to have to stay here, she wondered. Days? Weeks? Months? Rikku had to force herself to think about something else; there were more pressing things to worry about right now. Like Miranda.
"I'm back," Rikku announced cheerfully. "With water!" She couldn't help but sound proud. Rikku looked back and forth between Miranda--who seemed to at least be finding some more courage, even if she wasn't actually feeling better--and Rosa, who looked depressed. "No luck with the magic, huh," Rikku asked, crouching down, unable to keep a tinge of regret from her voice. If they could have used magic--it would have made things easier. Even if they could only use restorative magic, that would be something to give them a little hope. It seemed, though, that they weren't going to be given a break. Rikku hated to admit it, but this Immaculada was pretty amazing to be able to cut them off from their powers like that. Amazingly cruel.
"The guard was nice enough to give me some water. And I saw...." Rikku trailed off, noticing the way that her exhuberant voice was carrying around the cavern. She'd forgotten how much sound echoed. Everyone could hear exactly what she was saying. Okay for now, but if they ever did come up with a plan--it was going to be impossible to try to communicate without the strong possibility of the guards overhearing. "...I saw," she continued, "that the guard here has plenty of supplies, and he seems fairly friendly. So, if we need help for Miranda's split, they might be willing to lend a hand."
Rikku placed the cup down next to her. "If you're thirsty, you guys should take a drink. Although, uhm, I guess we might need it to, uh, wash away any dirt. From the wound. I guess." Rikku felt rather nervous, a combination of uncertainty when dealing with such serious injuries, and because she had to hope that what she was about to try would work. It seemed like everyone else had figured out the right way to make things private from the guards; now she'd just have to hope that she knew the way to do it, too (she was pretty certain she had a good idea how it worked) and that Rosa would figure out what she was doing. Rikku took out her journal and quickly wrote into it her intended message--to all of the captives, and to Rosa especially.
Miranda watched Rosa, letting the woman wrap her hands around her own over her ankle. She didn't feel anything like Rosa described, so she assumed it just didn't work... She took a deep breath, turning one hand around to lightly squeeze Rosas' hand before she pulled it away, as though saying it was fine that the other couldn't fix her ankle.
She heard Rikku return, glancing up at her. She wasn't sure what to expect, anymore, but at least she had people who were nice to her here... She brushed her hair out of her eyes, looking up at what she could see of the woman. "I'm alright.." She wasn't that thirsty -- she could last for a while longer without a drink. For now, they should save what they could of it.
Rikku wondered what they should do next. It seemed like trying to get some help--some real medical supplies--for Miranda might be a good idea. But then, so did trying to talk to the rest of the captives, like the other girl in the journals had suggested. And really, Rikku was really worried--it seemed like a lot was going on outside. A lot, a lot. People were mounting real rescue attempts--and real foolish ones, too. Rikku knew plenty of those--they'd gone charging right into Bevelle. It had worked out okay, in the end, but they'd been--lucky. And good. If Yunie and Tidus and Sir Auron were here, well, she'd be sure they'd make it okay, no matter what--
Stop thinking like that, she told herself. What good is being negative going to do you? Get over it and think--think harder! "How long do you think we've been here," Rikku wondered aloud. It seemed to her that the dates on the journal didn't match up to how much time she felt had passed. But really, she couldn't be sure anymore. This place was just--so, so strange.
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