WHO: Yue Katou (
limboed), Renji (
rukongai_dog) and his new employees (you know who you are, ppl! Tag yourselves, 'kay?)
WHAT: Employer shows employees who owns them.
WHERE: Bar Hades, Market District.
WHEN: Day 144, 3pm.
Truth be told, despite the unexpectedness of it all, Rivelata had fulfilled most of his quite-impossible daydreams. )
It wasn’t until Luke got there and his gaze landed on the owner and manager of Hades, but most particularly Renji, that Luke realized he had been somewhat excited. Nervous, even, considering his memories of the last time the two of them were here.
Despite his anxiety, a bright smile was quick to make it on to his lips as soon as he stepped into the bar. “Ah, sorry if I’m too early,” Luke said, sheepishly, after taking one look at what he seemed to be interrupting. Katou... right? He didn't look scary, at least.
{ooc: *lost on how comments are to go, so just sneaks Luke in here* xD; }
“Name’s Katou, how’re you doin’? Boss’s fine too though,” he paused for a moment, clenching the cigarette between his lips. “You are?”
( ooc; guess we'll do it like this 8DD )
“Luke fon Fabre, the...uh, bar boy,” he responded with a more confident grin, relaxing. “Nice to meet you, Boss.”
“Okay, I like him,” he said to Renji over his shoulder, giving Luke a wink to relax him. Turning back to his full attention, Katou asked “You got some experience with bartending, friend?”
Still grinning at his Boss’s antics, Luke only flustered a little at the question. “Not really,” he admitted, scratching idly at one cheek. “Renji said I would just be doing odds and ends around here while the girls worked the bar.”
At least his manager had been wise in his decision to keep girls as barkeepers. They worked well with that kind of thing most of the time and somehow always managed to master the skill quicker. At least, providing they had enough brain-power for it.
Once more, with the small lapse, his attention drifted back to Renji, a blush working at creeping onto his cheeks. No matter how easily Katou was talking to Renji... Luke dropped his gaze to the floor, racking a hand through his hair, embarassedly asking Katou, “Wa-was there anything else?”
“Nah, you’re fine. Have a talk with Renji, he’ll set ya up. We gotta get this place running by tomorrow.”
They had a lot to talk about.
His mind told him to say Hey, kid, but his mouth didn't move. He just watched the new barboy, appreciative of his existence and still apprehensive about telling him what needed to be told.
“Hey,” Luke said warmly. Admiration and adoration were mixed when he looked up at Renji, offering a nervous, but bright smile. “How are you holding up?” No matter what had happened, Luke still knew not to expect Renji’s depression to fade away over night.
The smile faded slightly, and the volume of his voice dropped another notch. "Listen - Luke. We... gotta talk. Like, later or somethin'... after this. 'Kay?"
“Sure, I’ll stick around,” he agreed concern seeping into his voice, before he caught himself and gave Renji a small grin. “No worries, Renji.”
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