Only Girl Who Hates Shopping [closed/incomplete]

Aug 11, 2008 20:36

 Who: Egwene al'Vere (
controlingfire ) and Hiruma Youichi (
king_devilbat )
What: Shopping for Egwene's dress for the Casino opening
When: Day 137, mid afternoon
Where: Market Place

Egwene glared at the journal, sighing softly.  When she had posted her tearful, bloody, and emo entry, she hadn't expected her master to drop in.   But oh well.  She did, in the back of her mind, want company.  She was starting to miss Rand, and Nynaeve, and everyone else from back home.  She couldn't help it.  And she couldn't really, didn't really, interact with anyone here.  Sure, there was the pirate Morne who she had a crush on.  But she hadn't seen him around in any of the entries.

And she really did look.  Long and hard. But she couldn't locate him everywhere.  She just hoped he wasn't one of the pirates that disappeared.  Though no one mentioned him going M.I.A.  She felt her eyes start to water with unshed tears and shook her head quickly, looking down and quickly rushing towards the fountain, where she was to wait for Hiruma, if he wasn't there already.

Ω hiruma youichi, Ω egwene al'vere, place - market district

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