Who: Froud, Firi, and anyone else who want to participate; this includes any pirates
What: They'll be poking and exploring the pirate ship
When: Day 127 in the afternoon
Where: The pirate ship~
Warnings: Language? Poop jokes may happen. Be prepared for anything, except murder and pillaging and destroying the ship.
Froud and Firi had emerged from the jungle a while ago. Now the sun warmed the top of Froud's helmet and ears, which caught the twiddle twaddle of birdsongs and human voices. This close to human habitation -- this close to the marketplace he could see their destination. The pirate ship seemed to beckon him, towering over all. It was like a giant oak in the middle of a clearing filled with nothing but young saplings. Hello, the ship seemed to say. Come explore me! I'm right here, waiting for you.
As they stepped onto the better-worn road that led to the marketplace, Froud checked, absently, for any human-like people he recognized. So far the 'Expedition' was composed of himself and Firi. But Froud expected that minute now other treasure hunters would join them. Like that human girl who had commented in his journal! And his (very own) pet Dist.
"The thing is," Froud confided to his current traveling companion (who was not the first or the last companion Froud would meet and lose on the road, but Firi was such a darling distraction. Froud would try to keep him for long as possible) "We demon cats are full of natural curiosity! And I, being a cat Demon of the Wind, am curious to see how their ship can fly. How does it work? Perhaps those strips of cloth on the tall pointy bits are its wings!"
The pirate ship was a curiosity in of itself, and Froud liked curiosities.