It's a dangerous game. [CLOSED]

Jul 09, 2008 05:29

WHO: Renji [rukongai_dog], Kira [comedawn], Katou [limboed], Yumichika [fiveisbetter]
WHAT: A business meeting... of sorts.
WHERE: Kira and Katou's pizzeria, for starters.
WHEN: Day 111, morning.

He looked a mess, really. )

Ω yumichika ayasegawa, place - pizzeria katou, Ω yue katou, Ω renji abarai, Ω sakuya kira

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limboed July 9 2008, 18:43:44 UTC
He was definitely enjoying this. Leaning back in the chair with his feet propped up on Kira’s large, well-kept desk, Katou couldn’t help but smirk. This was exactly how he liked it, being in control, in command. After all, Kira had made him Rivelata’s first infamous drug lord and even if said title hadn’t reached many ears in the past few weeks, it was all about building up reputation. And he was doing that, slowly but surely. Oh yes.

Fingering the pack of cigarettes he had found in the drawer, Katou pulled out one of them with his teeth, lighting it in his mouth. Renji Abarai would be a good catch as fellow drug-dealer and customer, especially since in the many weeks of talking to him since his arrival had proven to him that they were both on the relatively same line, and that he was probably someone he could trust with responsibility and discretion on the job.

The cigarette now properly lit, Katou looked up just in time to see Renji walking into the office and paused at the sight. Bloody hell-

“H-Hey man,” he muttered, cigarette almost falling from his teeth as he observed the man’s many cuts and bruises. “You look like shit.”


rukongai_dog July 9 2008, 22:52:59 UTC
"Thanks," Renji said with a smirk. "Funny about that, I feel like shit, too. Guess you can help with that, though, eh?"

Renji approached the desk and the junkie behind it, sitting down lazily in a chair before he was invited to. He slouched more than was normal for him - something of the occurrences of the last few days had jaded him somewhat, and it was visible in his eyes. It was also probably why he was here in the first place.

"So what do I gotta do?"


limboed July 10 2008, 14:39:10 UTC
“Can do, man, can do,” Katou replied, the horrified expression melting swiftly into his -what he liked to call - professional business-manner. He reached down under the desk and pulled out a large, see-through bag filled with what appeared to be fine grey-white powder. He placed it into view, leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms behind his head, smirking.

“Sell this stuff,” he said, nodding towards the unnamed substance. “Market price’s about a silver per ounce, if you can get more for it the better,” he cocked his head to one side. “We’ll pay ya, of course; and good sales’ll give you discount on anything you purchase yourself. We got our hands on a reasonable stash of opium, mescaline, morphine…” Morphine was a little harder to come by, but Katou had proved more than once since his arrival in Rivelata that it wasn’t impossible to find. “Whatever tickles you fancy, eh?” he added and flashed Renji another grin.

It would be pleasure doing business with this guy, he could tell.


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rukongai_dog July 10 2008, 15:23:32 UTC
Renji caught the bag cleanly, without fuss, and gave it a cursory examination before looking back up at his new employers.

"I'll keep that in mind," he said with a smirk, and put the bag gently in the small black backpack that was a part of his lifting outfit.

"'S there anything else I should know 'fore I ask for that pizza?" Or the opium, continued his mind, but considering where he was and who he was with, that part of the sentence seemed rather redundant.


limboed July 10 2008, 16:05:01 UTC
Katou shrugged, combing the hair out of his face. “Not really, dude. ‘s all a fairly simple process, eh?” He smiled and let the chair fall back on its front legs, getting up. Now was time for the little business dinner Kira had planned. He went up to Renji to give him a companionable punch on the back and then - remembering his condition - resorted to a tender pat on the right shoulder. By the looks of him (especially up close), he didn’t need any more bruises than he already had.

“Shall we?” he asked, raising an eyebrow and gesturing towards the door out of the office.


rukongai_dog July 10 2008, 21:44:30 UTC
"Hell yeah." With the backpack slung over his shoulder, Renji got up and walked back out the door towards the restaurant proper. He wasn't about to delay pizza.

He'd noticed Katou's shift in the pat he gave, and appreciated it. He didn't want to need a painkilling drug any more than he already did, even slightly.

"What kind d'you got?" he asked Katou, referring to the pizza.


limboed July 10 2008, 21:58:37 UTC
What kind did they have? Giving Kira a fleetingly help-seeking look, Katou shrugged his shoulders again, trying to seem in control. Truth be told, he wasn’t too sure what sorts of pizza they served - exactly. That was Yumichika and Kira’s business.

“Basically anything,” he replied, sticking hands into his pockets. “Just tell Yumi-chan what ya want and I’m sure we’ll manage it, eh?” After all, what was pizza in the end? And Rivelata was stocked well enough with everything Katou ever knew to have made an appearance on pizza. “Shouldn’t be a problem.”

Leading their small group to a table, Katou gave one of their employees behind the counter a wave, indicating them to come over and take their orders. This was a relatively laid-back place but surely one of them could manage to uphold some sort of waiter’s etiquette just this once for their much loved employers. Right?


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rukongai_dog July 10 2008, 23:29:47 UTC
"I was hoping to jus' say it's for me an' take some home for 'Kuya without lettin' Yumi know," Renji said, both elbows on the table. "Easier."

It wasn't as if Renji could ever convince them to get along. No one from Soul Society, let alone Yumichika, would ever believe that Byakuya actually had the capacity to drop his ice shield, demonstrate emotion and behave with normal human responses to things - and Byakuya would never, ever demonstrate for someone other than Renji.

He snorted a little laugh, wondering what Yumi would say if he found out Byakuya was ticklish.

"C'n I have an everything pizza?" Renji asked the employee Katou had called up to take their orders. "Like, a pizza with everythin' on it that might normally go on a pizza." He paused for a moment and smirked slightly through his split lip.

"An' I want it spicy."


fiveisbetter July 11 2008, 09:19:17 UTC
“Renji?” Yumichika looked out through the kitchen door. He had heard something very similar to the red haired death god’s voice a while ago but since he hadn’t really expected Renji to leave his precious captain like that he had just ignored it. As always that guy was full of surprises. Quite a lot of them probably - judging by the fact that he evidently had business with Kira and Katou. Yumichika didn’t especially mind being part of the two teen’s plan and it should have been obvious that Renji of all people would get himself involved sooner or later.

The blue haired shinigami dusted off his clothes and walked up to the table, one eyebrow raised in a way that could be either annoyed or amused. Probably both.
“What, in the whole world, is an ‘everything pizza’”. Really. He had taken over too many of Ikkaku’s habits.


rukongai_dog July 11 2008, 09:43:12 UTC
Renji tried not to be startled by Yumichika's sudden appearance - the man worked here, why should it be startling if he were here now? - and almost, but not entirely, failed.

"Y-Yumichika," he said, still sounding utterly surprised. Even though he'd known he and Byakuya weren't the only ones from Soul Society in Rivelata, he'd never actually seen anyone other than his captain. It was strange, now, to encounter someone else he knew.

"Uh- an everything pizza's the best kind there is," he replied, recovering. "It's got a little bit of everything you got in the kitchen on it, like pepperoni an' olives and pineapple an' stuff. Unless it's like, pickles n' shit. Stuff that doesn't go on pizzas. If it don't all fit, jus' get me as much as you can. That make sense, or'm I gonna have ta make it for ya?"

That was an empty threat, and he said it in such a way that that was obvious, and oddly amiable, as it came with a slight smirk. Yumichika wouldn't make anything that tasted ugly - Renji took that on faith, anyway.


fiveisbetter July 11 2008, 10:08:58 UTC
He was definitely too similar to Ikkaku sometimes. Yumichika returned the smirk. Together the two of them could probably empty the entire town of food. If Ikkaku had been here that was…
“Normally one would settle for three-four ingredients.” The Egyptian stroke away a couple of strand from his eyes. “That is the costume. And it looks better that way.”

Of course, Yumichika had never made pizza before he came here. But now, after some training, he was convinced that his pizzas were much more beautiful than those served at Lelouch’s place. However, he hadn’t seen Renji in a long time and maybe it was more important to just give him what he wanted as a simple gesture of friendly affection. And he would need quite a lot of nutriments in order to heal those horrible wounds of his.
“I’ll see what I can do,” he turned his eyes towards the youngsters. “I hope you two have better manners than this guy...”


rukongai_dog July 11 2008, 10:21:36 UTC
Renji blinked and took his elbows off the table.

"This better manners, then?"


limboed July 11 2008, 16:56:16 UTC
Katou had just been attempting to smoke a cigarette through his nose while rocking back and forth on his chair when Yumichika turned to observe him. Receiving a stern look, the junkie coughed as some of the smoke went down the wrong way, kicked himself back down on the chair’s all four legs and cleared his throat awkwardly, blushing.

“We’re… counting on you, Yumi-chan,” he said, the blush increasing as he realized that he was behaving much more like a child caught being naughty during class than the second owner of this place. Yumichika just had a certain… aura about him. “Renji’s a new client and employee, ya see, so this is a business dinner and all.”

He was sure not to look at Kira, knowing full well that he was enjoying this. Teasing he could do without right now.


rukongai_dog July 13 2008, 03:31:29 UTC
Renji let out a snort of laughter at Katou, but shut himself up. These two might be pretty laid back, but it still generally wasn't the best idea to make fun of your boss on your first day.

Even aside from the drugs - this enterprise might be pretty entertaining.

[ooc: Sorry about the delay - muse problems. D: I should be right as rain soon enough, though. :)]


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