WHO: Renji and Susan (Byakuya if he wants to join in.)
WHAT: Food delivery! and mama!Susan
WHERE: Their house
WHEN: Today, mid-afternoon.
This morning, she'd woken up with absolutely nothing to do. The house was spotless, there were no chores or jobs to get done, and she hadn't planned any exploring for the day. Plus, Susan hadn't wanted to stay around the house for too long; that would bother Peter and all. So she'd jumped at the chance to get out of the house and maybe do something to help as well.
Walking back from the markets with two full bags of food in her arms and her quill stuck behind her ear, all Susan was thinking about was what she was going to make. Good foods for the body- if her mother had taught her anything it was that. Besides, hadn't she spent weeks looking after the whole lot of her siblings when they'd all contracted that nasty flu? Or when Lucy had gotten the chickenpox?
Chicken noodle soup, or at least some broth- that's for one. Orange juice- they didn't have that at the market but I can squeeze it myself, shouldn't be too hard. Pudding and steamed vegetables. Applesauce. Ginger tea. Beef gruel. she thought as she let herself into the house, dropping the bags in the kitchen. Peter had said it was alright for her to use it, right? Nobody seemed to be home, so she rolled up the sleeves of her blouse and wondered where exactly to start. She was a good cook and knew better than to rush- that would just make the food taste horrible.
Fast forward about- three hours later. She didn't exactly know how long it took, but the end result was massive amounts of food stuffed inside every container she could possibly find- she'd bought those at the marketplace, too. The question was- how on earth was she going to carry all of this? Two trips?
In the end, she'd found an abandoned wheelbarrow in the back- it was alright to use this, wasn't it? It wasn't as if she wasn't going to return it...Shaking her head, Susan loaded the bags into the wheelbarrow and looked down at the scraggly map that she'd torn out of her journal. The housing district- it wasn't far from here, then.
A block of wheeling and a few strange looks her way later, she knocked on the door, breathless and with flour still on her cheeks and nose.