Meeting a pirate [closed/ongoing]

Jun 24, 2008 11:35

Who: Egwene al'Vere (

controlingfire) and Pirate Morne (
What: Egwene wanted to meet a pirate
Where: In front of the Pirate ship
When: Mid-day of present day

Egwene looked down at her journal, sighing softly.  He had said it was just going to be for a cup of tea.  Though, she couldn't believe she didn't understand what he was hinting at first!  She would have to thank her boss, once she went back to work the next day.  Reaching down and petting Oreo, she checked to make sure he had food and water in her room before she left.

Walking out of her home, she pushed her wavy brunette hair out of her face, walking towards where the pirate ship was located.  It was where she was told to meet him.  Though knowing it was suitable for women to wear clothing other then dresses and skirts in Rivelata, she still clung to wearing a long skirt, of light blue color, and for her feet she wore something quite new to her; sandals.  They weren't as bad as they looked, of course.  To top it off she wore a cream elbow-length top.

Reaching the immense ship, she started looking around, for someone who looked somewhat like the picture from the journals. 

place - crimson dragon inn, Ω egwene al'vere, Ω npc - first mate morne-miriel, place - pirate's ship

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