WHO: Peter Petrelli
bomba_del_sesso, clinic workers, injured, etc.
WHAT: The former hospice nurse decides to come out of his deep pool of angst and woe in order to help those bleeding profusely from their body.
WHERE: The Clinic - Market District.
WHEN: Early morning, afternoon, and evening after the ball.
He had no desire to go, no desire to dress up fancy, and dance with a bunch of strangers in masks. Something about the whole idea of a masquerade ball made him feel so uneasy, making him think that...why bother going to a masquerade, when he'd been exposed to one since he first arrived here?
The lie still fresh in his mind - Peter rarely left his apartment, only to attend the Clinic. Work, work, work.
Then there was the blast. Explosions, reminding him of New York City, and what he had almost done. It left him sick, retching, before pulling himself together and running toward danger.
Nathan would have to deal with his hero-complex.
Somehow, by some cruel twist of fate, the clinic was not hit, and Peter immediately set up everything people might need: bandages, morphine, blood. He had found a few stragglers on the way - natives by the looks of it, did what he could to help.
Doing his job, keeping his mind off himself, and his personal issues.