Fires and fights are the flowers of Edo

May 31, 2008 15:01

WHO: Sakamoto Ryouma (spangledsamurai), Seifer Almasy (kissmygunblade), Okita Sougo (hitmansougo13), Yamazaki Susumu (kocho_blade) and all those would-be firemen out there that aren't at the ball... (yes, you can still join us!)
WHAT: putting out the fires (note: we split up, feel free to choose which side you want to be in o/)
WHERE: starts near the Market District, north of the gay butterfly symbol of burning terrorist love, panicky Sakamoto is running everywhere like a headless chicken...
WHEN: Day 73. 12:30AM

After cleaning up the shop that Katou had trashed (again), Sakamoto Ryouma thought he deserved a break from all this hard work and meeting with various people (and a Chancellor, no less!). He got out of the house and sat outside the door with a bottle of wine. There was a ball, they said, but Sakamoto was too tired to go. He hoped Kuja would understand, he had to send him some gifts later as the man had prepared some clothes for him to wear, clothes that were now rumpled in the basement. Sakamoto threw them on once, but he was too embarrassed to walk out in them.

He took a sip of wine and let out a really relieved sigh. It was a peaceful night, for once. The stars were bright and were those fireworks? Surely those were fire works, there was a party after all.



Fireworks don't burn for very long, and not on the ground too. Sakamoto stood up quickly, the wine bottle crashing on the ground.

"FIRE!!!!" he screamed.

Shit, it couldn't have been their fault, could it? Well, it doesn't matter now. Sakamoto ran towards the market district, despite having no plans on what to do when he gets there.

(OOC SCIENCE NOTE FROM THE SCIENCE!N00B: Apparently, since this fire was caused by bombs and OIL, it can not be put down with water. Water makes it burn faster as Nizou-mun explains:
"Never throw water on a liquid fire. This is due to water and oils properties. If the water is thrown on the fire, the following will occur.
# Water does not mix with the oil, and thus goes underneath it (oil and water don't mix, when they are together oil is on top water on bottom). It will then boil and become steam very quickly this quick boil is dangerous . Since the water is on the bottom of the oil, as it evaporates it sprays hot, burning oil in every direction. This then spreads the fire and usually leaves you unconscious."
You're such a considerate terrorist, Nizou-mun. Sakamomo thanks you~♥

Added later: youtube vid example
and the sparkly butterfly map, of course~)

Ω urameshi yusuke, place - beach, Ω yamazaki susumu, place - saitani-ya spices, ! side plot, Ω sakamoto ryouma, Ω byakuya kuchiki, place - market district, Ω seifer almasy, Ω okita sougo, Ω kobayakawa sena, Ω vanyel ashkevron

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