Mar 01, 2008 22:35

WHO: Kanda Yuu and Lenalee Lee
WHAT: Lenalee tries to execute a very dangerous plan to help everyone. Kanda has other ideas.
WHERE: A rather isolated dock at the edge of town
WHEN: Late at night

She'd had this place scoped out )

place - docks, Ω kanda yuu, Ω lenalee lee

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madmugenskillz March 2 2008, 04:16:14 UTC
For the first time since he had been here, Kanda was not feeling as uptight as he had been. Perhaps it was because he had just purchased a new katana. Something about swords calmed him, made him feel more like himself.

So, with two katanas now at his disposal, Kanda felt it was time to go outside the city. To see just how threatening these "monsters" the Queen had talked about really were.

He paused when he saw a flash of ebony hair in the moonlight from the corner of his eye, and spotted Lenalee leaving for one of the docks. He frowned. What was that girl up to? Was she acting rash again?

Without another thought, he followed her. When she stopped to untie a rowboat from the dock, her intentions suddenly hit him hard and he had no choice but to take action.

"HEY!" he called sharply, glaring at her as he quickly approached the dock. "What the hell are you doing?"


hiheelboots March 2 2008, 04:20:40 UTC
She turned around, abruptly. Of all the people who could have shown up, why did it have to be *him*?

"I'm going to bring back help," she said. "Once I get far enough away from this island, I should be able to use my Innocence, and you know what it's capable of. I should be able to find *someone* who can get our people out of here."


madmugenskillz March 2 2008, 04:24:38 UTC
For a moment, Kanda just stared at her. Then he snorted, scratching the back of his head. "Are you stupid?" he spat nastily. "Seriously. This is an honest-to-God question. Are you stupid? Because what you are trying to do is really stupid."


hiheelboots March 2 2008, 04:45:55 UTC
"What do you mean, stupid?" she said. "I thought this through! It's probably the only shot we have at getting off this island and back where we belong!"


madmugenskillz March 2 2008, 04:55:54 UTC
Perhaps Kanda should have let her do as she wanted. After all, he wanted to leave as well. Perhaps not necessarily back to Headquarters, but anything was better than here. And he couldn't accomplish his initial objective if he was stuck in Rivelata for the rest of his life.


He might have poked fun at Crawdad (whatever his name was) finding the body of a sea serpent on the beach, but that didn't mean he hadn't taken such information seriously. "Did you not hear what has been said? There are monsters in the sea, and what happens when you can't activate your Innocence? How do you plan on getting back? Hell, how do you plan on defending yourself at all?

"And a rowboat? Really? Come on!"


hiheelboots March 2 2008, 05:04:10 UTC
"What other way is there to get off this island?" she said. "Kanda, I have to take this chance! Do you really want everyone stuck here forever? Under this Queen? We have no idea what she's capable of! What if she kidnapped everyone as some kind of big human experiment?"


madmugenskillz March 2 2008, 05:19:44 UTC
All reasons for arguing or not arguing completely fled Kanda's mind when Lenalee mentioned "everyone". The moment the word left her mouth, something very ugly within him raised its head and bared its fangs for the kill. Without warning, he snatched the rope roughly out of her hands.

"Everyone, everyone, GOD!" Kanda yelled. "All you care about is a bunch of strangers who don't give a single side of a rat's ass what happens to you! You've always been like this! For once, can't you actually think about yourself for a change!?"


hiheelboots March 2 2008, 05:23:53 UTC
"I'm an Exorcist!" she shouted back. "My life is devoted to saving people! It's what I've live for since I was a child! Or have you forgotten that?"


madmugenskillz March 2 2008, 05:29:51 UTC
"And just how are you supposed to be saving people if you're dead!?" he shouted back, her words making him more and more angry to the point where he almost couldn't control the words pouring out of his mouth in such a rage. "Yes, you save people, but when it boils down to it, you still have to take care of yourself first and foremost! I absolutely hate it when you're like this! So fuckin' naïve! And then you have the audacity to bitch at me!? I don't think so!"


hiheelboots March 2 2008, 05:41:30 UTC
She'd had it. If she'd had a clipboard, she would have bashed his brains in with it. But failing her usual weapon, she grabbed the nearest thing at hand, and swung the oar at him. "Don't you DARE judge me like that!" she shouted.


madmugenskillz March 2 2008, 05:54:07 UTC
Kanda barely dodged out of the way to keep from being bashed in the side of head with an oar. Both his katanas were in his hands in a flash, metal singing as they were finally released from their sheaths.

He couldn't help smirking at her. "You really wanna go there with me, little girl?" he snarled.


hiheelboots March 2 2008, 05:59:22 UTC
"I can hold my own with you, remember," she said, holding the oar as if it were a katana itself. "I used to spar with you all the time when we were younger."


madmugenskillz March 2 2008, 06:03:33 UTC
He lunged forward in a flash, swinging out with one katana and cutting the oar neatly in half before she would even have time to blink. "That was back then," he snapped. "I've gotten far better since then. Before you do something else rash, you might want to actually think before you bite off more than you can chew."


hiheelboots March 2 2008, 06:08:22 UTC
Before he could make another move, she shot out her right leg in a high kick and knocked one katana from his hand. She may not have active Dark Boots, but that didn't mean she didn't have fast and agile reflexes in her legs -- the Innocence could only work with a body that could handle it.

She caught the weapon in her hand as it fell. "Who's bitten off more than she can chew?" she said.


madmugenskillz March 2 2008, 06:19:28 UTC
Kanda slammed into the ground from the blow, but was quick to jump back to his feet, holding his remaining katana out in an offensive pose. His glare was deadly. If this was what she wanted...

He tightened the grip on his katana and came at her, swinging out and knocking the other katana out of her hand. He used the momentum to swing around in a clean 360, aiming for her legs.


hiheelboots March 2 2008, 06:23:24 UTC
She easily leapt out of the way of his blow, hit the ground and rolled in the direction she'd seen the katana go flying. She picked it up, knowing that any second, he'd come charging at her, and she might not be able to get to her feet.

If there was any power left in the Boots at all, she needed it now.

"Innocence, activate!" she whispered, and this time, she felt at least a faint flicker in the familiar regions of her legs.


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