This Void Inside... [Complete]

May 22, 2008 18:52

Who: Lessa (ruin_of_ruatha) and Pit (spunky_seraph)
What: Lessa wanders the market, steeped in her usual depression, and Pit notices.
Where: The Market, possibly a side-street later.
When: Day 64, Midday

Lessa wandered the streets, weaving between people, keeping her head low as she walked. A black cloud, not particularly her hair, seemed to follow her. Occasionally, the Weyrwoman bumped into people, mumbling an apology, but never really remembering who she'd met and didn't meet.

She was lost here. The Red Star didn't shine. Thinking of the Teaching Songs made her more homesick and depressed than ever. With each passing day, she missed F'lar more and more. Her heart ached for him, for his quirky grin and comforting arms. So soon after she had fully taken up her mantle, she'd been stolen away, and even Ramoth didn't make it.

Why her? By the Egg, why her? And if it wasn't bad enough, that demonic half-dragon thing had flaunted it in her face that she was without her precious Ramoth, half her soul, all her life.

The Weyrwoman clutched her heavy wherhide jacket to herself, despite the warming temperatures. It was her last link to Pern, and she held it like a lifeline.

Without Ramoth... who am I? Who is Lessa?

Ω pit, Ω lessa, place - market district

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