WHO: Cloud & Yuffie.
WHAT: Cloud sets off to find Yuffie so they can discuss some important matters, and end up getting clothes for the ball~
WHERE: The docks.
WHEN: Um. I dunno, midday?
Cloud had been met with mixed emotions when he discovered his friend Yuffie was here. He was glad that she was safe and unharmed, but he wasn't glad that she was here in the first place. And what was more troubling was that when they spoke over the journals, both parties had mentioned things that the other should know, but didn't. Cloud didn't know Reeve, Yuffie didn't know Leon, and their histories together didn't add up.
And could Aeris... really be dead? Cloud shook the thought off. He didn't want to think about it.
It didn't take him long to get to the docks in his haste, clad in a new set of clothes (but still, unsurprisingly, black and plain) and sword bouncing lightly against his back as he ran. And now, he stood on one of the docks, looking around to see if his eyes could catch sight of Yuffie anywhere. He trusted that the ninja could handle herself, but he couldn't help but feel a little worried... things weren't right in this world.