
May 13, 2008 20:39

WHO: Aziraphale, Adam Monroe, maybe Crowley? Other residents? Plz?
WHAT: The angel needs to clear some things with his friend.
WHERE: Adam's home/Peter's apartment.
WHEN: Late afternoon.

Living in a prayer. )

Ω aziraphale, Ω adam monroe

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oh_immortal May 14 2008, 03:30:48 UTC
Adam had been waiting on Mohinder's bed the couch since he knew that Aziraphale would be coming to visit. He hadn't seen him in what felt like forever and - what with all of the kidnapping rescue missions and cat issues and general chaos erupting all over the place - it was dangerous, really. Dangerous and time-consuming.

Not too long after finishing the conversation in the journal, Adam heard a faint knock on the door. Just a couple seconds and he was up, opening the door, and there was Aziraphale. "Hi," he greeted, "So you've found it!"


nobebop May 14 2008, 17:16:53 UTC
The angel was greeted with Adam's bright face. He couldn't look the other man in the eye, averting his gaze, paying attention to his feet. Why was his face growing warmer with each passing second? Absolutely ludicrous. Aziraphale was not going to give in so easily. Years of self-control ought to have made him better at this.

"I - y - yes, I found it. You were very - descriptive. Yes, descriptive. It's a, um, nice building. Do you - do you live alone?"


oh_immortal May 15 2008, 02:28:45 UTC
If it was at all possible, Adam would have donated some of his comfort to Aziraphale. Not the slightest idea why he seemed so very out of sorts here, 'here' meaning most specifically, 'in Adam's presence.'

He thought that might've been something that would come to pass but apparently that wasn't the case.

Or maybe red doors were really that intimidating.

"Nice to see you again," Adam replied, purposefully looking at Aziraphale, as opposed to something like Aziraphale's feet. No offense to the feet but they weren't exactly capable of conversation - nor were Adam's for that matter, but he wasn't sure of the best way to bring that up. "There are a few of us who live here. It's occasionally a bit crowded but I think some of them moved out. I'm not really sure. It's.. interesting, to say the least. Why don't you come in and make yourself comfortable?"

Emphasis on the 'comfortable.'


nobebop May 15 2008, 12:47:33 UTC
Multiples? Aziraphale took his eyes off the floor, peering around Adam's shoulder to look into the apartment. It did not look too occupied. He could not see anyone else lingering around the room. Were they all conveniently out? The angel might have been more comfortable if Adam and himself weren't going to be so...alone.

Pain. Pain.

"I suppose I could - do...do you have tea? Cocoa would do nicely as well."

Coping mechanisms, please.


oh_immortal May 17 2008, 20:41:08 UTC
Perhaps now was the time for Adam to start giving lessons on just how one would make oneself comfortable. Since from Adam's experiences, it was much safer in here than it was out on the streets.

Unless Aziraphale had the extreme misfortune of meeting Lauren on his way here.

And Aziraphale appeared to be doing a silent 'head count' - or at least searching for any other signs of life.

"No, no one's hiding anywhere. I've strictly forbade any lurking in the darkness to be done in here so no worries! Tea or cocoa? Or both at once? I'll get you some hot water and you can make up your mind. Or have a weird mixture of both," Adam went in to the kitchen and put the water on the stove. Just when he had been becoming familiar with microwaves, yet another downgrade for him back to regular stoves.


nobebop May 18 2008, 21:23:23 UTC
"Tea would be...fine," Aziraphale answered, confirming his drink of choice. Tentatively, he walked into the apartment, closing the door behind him quietly. He walked across the room, shuffling his feet, looking around curiously at the decorations, the mess, the furniture.

A pile of blankets and a pillow on the couch, a cot in the corner, a table, a rug, some clothes carelessly strewn about. There were two other doors leading to God-knows-where, and Aziraphale was not very interested in finding out.

He settled for sitting on the arm chair near the couch, crossing his legs, and looking quite nervous.


oh_immortal May 18 2008, 21:39:27 UTC
After the stove was on, water ready - well it would take some time, damn stove what with the warming up that would take who knows how long.

Adam went back out where Aziraphale was waiting, apparently as equally frightened in Adam's absence as he was in his presence.

"It won't be too long," Adam stated in reference to the water, and nothing else. Although he doubted Aziraphale would pick up on innuendo or be quick to think anything was innuendo in the first place, especially something that wasn't meant to be so.

"So, how have you been? Reveling naked in the sunlight? The usual, hm?" Adam smiled.


nobebop May 19 2008, 01:30:42 UTC
Adam and his odd obsession with nudity. Aziraphale shook his head 'No', and went back to looking at everything, but Adam. Picking lint off his trousers, staring at the wallpaper, at the couch/bed, the other doors.

It would be easier if he didn't have to look at him.

"I was wondering something actually," he began after much pause and thought.


oh_immortal May 20 2008, 23:15:28 UTC
Shyness - or that is what Adam thought it was - to this degree was beyond puzzling. In fact, Aziraphale might have noticed this expression of sheer puzzlement that was plastered on Adam's face.

But, he did not.

"You were wondering something?" Adam managed to defeat his puzzlement to speak, "Were you wanting me to answer, or the wall, or were you talking to your pants?" He walked closer, although slowly so as to not frighten or alarm.

And added another smile in there for good measure.


nobebop May 21 2008, 21:10:07 UTC
"Y-you. Er - " Mustering up some courage, Aziraphale finally tore his eyes from whatever he was distracting himself with, and looked at Adam. A long, puzzling look, trying to decipher this puzzle before him.

A man that Crowley claimed had certain...er...ill intentions toward him if one were to classify infatuation under ill, and Aziraphale did.


oh_immortal June 12 2008, 02:28:17 UTC
Adam blinked. He figured that at least would be appropriate.


Although he did feel like he should entertain his guest somehow. A guest who was looking painfully unentertained.

But at least he was now capable of more speech.

"Me? What about me?"

The possibilities? Nearly endless.


nobebop June 12 2008, 03:25:32 UTC
JUST BE OUT WITH IT. A loud obnoxious voice shouted in the back of his mind. A loud obnoxious voice that sounded suspiciously like Crowely, hissing included.

Aziraphale took his billionth deep breath, and 'just went out with it'. "Do you fancy me?"


oh_immortal June 12 2008, 04:02:08 UTC
Well, that certainly served to take Adam aback. Of all the questions, he hadn't been expecting that one. Considering he didn't know Aziraphale would even be aware that such concepts existed out there, somewhere, but not in the nudist world he came from.

"I suppose you could say that," Adam started. Because, it was sort of true, in a certain way, wasn't it?


nobebop June 13 2008, 02:14:47 UTC


So, Crowley was correct. Now the question was what in the Lord's name should he be doing with this situation?

The room became stifling hot.

"I - I - you do?"


oh_immortal June 16 2008, 03:29:38 UTC
And it was more than obvious that Aziraphale had not been expecting that as an answer. Adam didn't even know what context Aziraphale had been thinking in either. Perhaps angels had different standards. Or it could have meant something else entirely.

But Aziraphale certainly wasn't ripping his clothes off -- as if he were even inclined to do that in the first place -- and leaping at Adam, or otherwise showing excessive enthusiasm.


"I believe that's what I said, yes," Adam grinned. This should be interesting. Very, very interesting.


nobebop June 19 2008, 02:57:10 UTC
Flustered, beyond flustered. He could feel his face growing hot and red and other things he should not be feeling, never wanted to feel in this damnable human body. If this was what Crowley meant - no, was not going to have one seconds thought about that.

He stood up sharply.

"I believe I should be going. Prepare dinner for Crowley and myself. Ah - ah, ta ta!"

Aziraphale left in a flutter.


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