On the topic of 'She who shall not be named' 2.

Jun 04, 2008 11:26

Simply put, I'm not buying it- not for a single moment.
Perhaps it's my 'trusting' nature, but for some reason I can't shake the idea we're being shammed. If that girl is actually dead, then her family and friends have my truest condolences- disregarding matters between us in the past. While I am certainly more foe than friend, the true loss of a life is nothing to celebrate.

However, if she is simply reborn anew unharmed as her kind is apt to do- someone had best realize she is a fool who cannot be trusted to keep her own head to her shoulders. For all the strain she has put our commune through, for another such incident to repeat itself for a fourth- nay, fifth time is out of the question.

For all the trauma and incidents we have had to endure in this place, our own personal losses and those of others- do we really have the time  or energy to spend worrying about  recurring matters such as these? For her safety and the safety of others who would wish to rescue her or have much to lose by her death.. If Claire Bennet returns I think she should be under constant watch and supervision. House arrest, even.

! side plot, Ω balthier

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