chapter one ♠ that butler, arriving ♠ written

Feb 20, 2010 16:48

[At first only a dot appears-- Sebastian is gathering his thoughts and has his quill to the page. After a few moments, in his elegant scrawl, he starts writing without pause. From his writing you can tell that he isn't shocked-- rather, he's exasperated and a tad bit irked that he's suddenly landed in an unfamiliar place.]

Did some other demon do this? Ahh, I had an inkling that more supernatural beings would come to target the Young Master eventually, but how unfortunate that it had to be before the big party. [This part is scratched out to be illegible soon after it's finished being written. He had to be careful where he wrote about the supernatural, after all.]

The first order of business is to find the Young Master. If the study's door led to this strange place, then no doubt he must have ended up here as well.

[There is a long pause in which Sebastian doesn't write, and then--]

Well, losing the ability to track him will make the task quite difficult. I have become more inconvenienced than I had originally anticipated.

sebastian michaelis

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