† - 3 Edo meus pennae facio mihi redomo - †

Aug 22, 2009 20:16

[But the vampire is bored. A welcome nuance, for the moment. Sated and healed from the infusion of blood he's received since his arrival in Rivelata, Alucard has since bestirred himself to find a high-backed chair and a small functional table, filched from another of the empty houses.

His journal is open on said furniture, along with an empty wine bottle beside it, as well as a dusty goblet, for both are reminders of his "cozy" basement back "home" and he desperately needs the familiarity. Although the journal is recording, he nevertheless scritches across the page with his pen, deep voice humming the chorus to Pachelbel's Canon as he scribbles.

And when done, the finished image is rendered thus:

Followed by the elegant scrawl of:
Ut vestri manus manus EGO operor no , Vinco , commodo dico mihi propinquus...

Which is translated from the Latin as "To your hand would I fly, Master, would that thee call me near..."

[ooc: Modlies, if Alucard's spamming the comm, feel free to smack me for it. He gets creative when he's bored. >.>

Also, the rendition above is in no way mine, I'm not that talented. The original is here, give her credit where it's due. :)]

Ω alucard

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