Twenty Four Excruciating Hours

May 19, 2009 22:06

Isn't the sky a marvelous color? And with such a marvelous color comes marvelous rain. Ah how I missed it- all this glorious tempestuous weather. Absolutely magnificent and puts every man-made creation to shame.

I can't say I adored the dizzying daydream I just experienced, though I can't really complain. Apparently in the future I kick the Old Man off a cliff after destroying his life's 'precious work'. Rather satisfying, that. Oh and Zidane risking your life to come back to fetch me after I used my last energy to transport you all to safety- stubbornness at its best.

How are you, mundane mass? Panicking over the sky's color? Hating the glorious rain? Trying so very hard to keep from crying into your pillow at night because you miss home? Plotting the next 'creative' murder to try and outdo the previous one?

Nagi I miss you, but you probably found a way home you clever brat and left me here to deal with this unimaginative, predictable lot.

Ω kuja

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