Apr 14, 2009 02:47

Lady Chancellor Nachita.
It's weird to do this from here, but I have no other option, and I know it's best.

I have sufficient reason to believe that Councilor Larsa Solidor has gotten himself ill with his service and dedication. I know he will never, ever, ask for leave himself, so I ask you-

No, I beg you, please give Larsa leave from his duty ( Read more... )


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danceofrapture April 15 2009, 00:24:07 UTC
I doubt I'd be more than a smear on their halberds. Pleading that someone spare the life of this child is begging and grovelling? I can't just slip her a note on cute pink stationary. But if that's the case...

Oh, here, let me personally go and apologize for my antics and rip out a page from everyone's journal. Or would that be too much, too? Do you say this to everyone who blasts something personally on the journals? Or am I just lucky?

What would you like me to say, my Lady? You know as well as I do that I am not the same as you. Or Larsa. To ask for some humanity in the case of a twelve-year-old boy who's being run to death for the sake of his people is groveling? Larsa is, as you say, An Offworlder, but yet he is completely willing to lay down his health and life for the sake of a people that don't know him, don't respect him?

My Lady, Larsa has so little here left now- he has so few friends to mind him. It's just me and Lady Chancellor now. Larsa looks up to her, respects her. If he won't listen to me anymore, I know he can listen to her. I just want him to be safe, my Lady.

He's all I have left now.


rivelatanoble April 15 2009, 00:57:02 UTC
I do not appreciate the begging others do on the journals either, however, their petty disputes have no relevance to me. Regarding the Chancellor, however, and anything with her, those subjects concern me far more than Offworlder's speaking with one another.

I do not object to you requesting an audience, or even a relaxing of the hours requested of Master Larsa. I understand he is a child, do not mistake me, Miss Penelo. I also know of his devotion to his self-acquired duty. I see no issue, as well, with concerning yourself with his health as a friend.

My only issue with this entire entry is that it is clearly out of place where a simple note would suffice and the resulting conversation carried out in a more private place where your interests might be known in a more personal manner.

These are only my suggestions, however. If one is truly interested in impressing 'dignitaries' as it was put, perhaps heeding the advice of those one wishes to speak with would suit one's needs.

One is more than free to ignore it.


danceofrapture April 15 2009, 01:05:38 UTC
I do not seek to impress anyone. I know better now than to think anything that a street rat produces will hold ground here. I know I am but a bug to those who sit on the throne- a number and a statistic, the vague idea of "my people." I lived with the Princess of my very own motherland, and she treated her own subjects as we are- subjects to her needs and wants.

I know the sacrifice that rulers give. I live with one. Maybe my misguided "groveling" was some hope that someone would see how hard he's working, and appreciate what he does for them.

But here, if it makes my Lady feel more at ease, then shall I strike this entire entry out? Lest the guards come for my head later?


rivelatanoble April 15 2009, 01:16:21 UTC
I did not require you to take such a hasty action, nor would I find it at all appropriate for you to suggest that I would call in the guards to take the life of someone who merely wrote in a magical book.

Since you do not wish to impress me, and see yourself as simply a another commoner, you shall be treated as such.

Do not take me lightly as I tell you, if you wish to be treated like a bug, a number, and a worthless streetrat, as you seem to think I and the Chancellor believe you are, then I see no reason to call in the guards for such a petty crime as being yourself, or do you truly wish I would call them so you might be a martyr for your Offworlders?


classic_d_i_d April 15 2009, 02:22:34 UTC
Take a chill pill, Princess. She asked for help. What, is there a format for that, now?


rivelatanoble April 15 2009, 02:25:25 UTC
I did not mean to imply there was, only a proper procedure for approaching a person properly.

I lost my composure and for that, I apologize. I would appreciate if you would refrain from giving me a title not my own; I am a lady, not a princess.


danceofrapture April 15 2009, 03:40:54 UTC
It's okay... I think I lost my temper, too. I didn't mean to make a scene.


danceofrapture April 15 2009, 03:40:26 UTC
Don't insult me. Nothing comes from being a martyr. They're forgotten as soon as they are buried. Though in a since of irony, being killed here is often seen as "going home," so maybe I do.

I "seem to think" you view us as bugs because very rarely do you all descend on from high, unless there's a reprimand or an execution on the way. I understand how busy everyone is. I do. But would it kill everyone in power to just... Speak to us? Know us, be among us? We've never laid eyes on the queen, the General barks at us as if we're sheep to be herded, and you... Well, I've only heard of you three times...


rivelatanoble April 17 2009, 01:08:39 UTC
I apologize for my lack of attendance to these journals. My family is still recovering, these many weeks later, from the great wave which wreaked havoc on our businesses and laboratories. Hours upon hours of my time have been spent working on that alone, not pouring over the antics of the Offworlders.

I cannot speak for the others; they do what they will do.

And I have offered to pay for the start-up of Offworlder-run businesses. I received few replies, and as of now, Master Shinra and Princess Neptune are two helped by my family's finances.

Perhaps you might be interested in such aid, if you were willing to restart your bakery business, or begin another one.


danceofrapture April 17 2009, 01:14:15 UTC
[Writing is gentler, softer]

I'm sorry. We've all lost so much. I was foolish to think you all were exempt...

Thank you, Lady.... But I cannot rebuild the bakery, something that's so frivolous, when so many are hurting... That money should go to the clinic.


rivelatanoble April 17 2009, 01:29:15 UTC
Yes, of course the clinic will be helped. Although a place to produce baked confections where one can feel the slight happiness afforded by a slice of cake is also welcomed.

It is, naturally, your choice, Miss Penelo, and I leave it to you.


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