Mar 10, 2009 16:00

Neo-Queen is finally awake... that's such a relief. I was starting to really worry that she'd be asleep forever. But I guess that was stupid. People don't sleep forever, they either wake up, or...

Seymour-sama and I have Forest Church all straightened out again, and we've been treating some minor injuries there, mostly for the natives. It's nice to actually do something other than sweeping leaves all day. And it freed up some of the strain on the clinic, so that's good.

Minako-chan, I think we should look after Serenity in shifts until she fully recovers. You can take days, and I'll watch over her in the evenings when I get home from the church. And don't get her in trouble, please! I know how you two are together!

[recorded: deep breath]

So relieved...

Ω hino rei

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