Grand Opening!

Feb 23, 2009 23:44

It's a little late to be making announcements, isn't it? I was going to wait until tomorrow morning, but I can't. We've been working so long and hard, and most of our things are ready, so why not?!

Tomorrow will be the grand opening of:
Everyone who visits tomorrow will receive a "Thank You" gift of sweets!

Witchy Lily's will specialize in chocolates and candies both with and without magical properties! We hope you'll find something to your liking. Stop by for a treat!

If there's something you'd like to see in our shop, drop us a note and we'll do our best to make it for you.

[ooc; "[nm]" means "non-magical," [m] means "magical." Magical candies can refer to their flavour or any after-effects they give the eater. Candies and chocolates with an asterisk (*) mean they are from Harry Potter canon. This list is for YOUR reference (and mine). Characters, when they arrive at the shop, will get a brochure with a list and description of the items, but it will not say whether they are magical or not, except in the case of Chitter-Chats and Pepper Imps.
[nm] Bluebirds: Bird-shaped chocolates with blueberry in the center.
[nm] Buttermelons: Chocolates shaped like butterflies with a juicy watermelon center.
[m] Cataloupes: Cantaloupe-flavoured cat-shaped chocolates. Makes everything eaten for 30 minutes afterward taste like cantaloupe.
[nm] Cherry Pops: Sweet chocolate-coated cherries.
[m] Chocoballs*: Full of strawberry mousse and clotted cream.
[nm] Chocobars: Regular chocolate bars in various sizes. Come with and without assorted nuts.
[m] Chocolate Frogs*: Frog-shaped chocolates that hop and croak realistically. They only have one good hop in them, though!
[nm] Crandoggies: Cranberry-flavoured dog-shaped chocolates.
[nm] Lemuns: Lemur-shaped chocolates with a splash of fresh lemonade in the center.
[nm] Kiwis: Kiwi-shaped chocolates with a sweet kiwi fruit center.
[m] Panda Pears: Panda-shaped chocolates that taste like biting into a fresh, crisp pear. Makes everything eaten for 30 minutes afterward taste like pears.
[m] Safari Nougats: Chocolate-covered nougats that give the eater the ability to make various sounds like: a lion's roar, monkey sounds, bird chirps, steam engine roar, turkey gobble, elephant roar, horse neighing, dolphin chitters, whale songs, etc..
[m] Strawbearries: Bear-shaped chocolates that taste like biting into a chocolate-covered strawberry. Makes everything eaten for 30 minutes afterward taste like strawberries.
[m] Whirling Whizbars: Bars of chocolate that make a "whiiiirl" sound as you bite into them.
[m] Wolfruit: Wolf-shaped chocolates with a starfruit aftertaste. Makes everything eaten for 30 minutes afterward taste like starfruit.

[m] Every Flavour Beans*: Come in flavours: [from the books] baked bean, booger, chocolate, coconut, coffee, curry, ear wax, grass, liver, marmalade, pepper, peppermint, sardine, spinach, sprouts, strawberry, toast, toffee, tripe, vomit [not necessarily from the books] dirt, spaghetti, orange, kiwi, wood, grape, lemon grass, lemon, marshmallow, beef, chicken, fish, seaweed, pumpkin, apple, chocolate.
[m] Chitter-Chats: Small fruit-flavoured candies that seem to chitter to each other. Careful! They nip!
[m] Everbubbles Blowing Gum*: Chewing gum that allows you to fill the room with bluebell-coloured gum bubbles that don't pop for days.
[m] Fizz Straws: Sweet candy straws that make any drink fizz like pop!
[m] Pepper Imps*: Tiny black candies that allow you to breathe fire for your friends (you only get one breath out of this, and it's not very impressive.)
[m] Peppermint Toads*: Peppermint creams shaped like toads. They "hop realistically in the stomach!"
[nm] Pumpkin Pasties*: Small pumpkin treats (think pie/cake.)
[m] Sugar-Pops: Lollipops that can be found in all flavours of Every Flavour Beans.
[m] Squeaking Sugar Mice: Colourful sugary mice that squeak realistically.

This list will be growing as more and more candies are created.]

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