Feb 19, 2009 20:25

Ah, the bakery seems to have slowed down since Valentines is over.
Such a short holiday, you know?

...being only one day and all...

...even with several weeks of build up...


{{ooc: Sounds like SOMEBODY forgot Valentine's day... :'D~}}


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cat0in0a0box February 20 2009, 02:43:25 UTC
Jah, such a pity. People are so villing to part vith food, yet all ve get is chocolate... Quite hard on the stomach after avhile.


danceofrapture February 20 2009, 06:13:19 UTC
Well, we DO have meat pies, kitty. If you'd like.


1/3 cat0in0a0box February 20 2009, 07:07:01 UTC
2/3 cat0in0a0box February 20 2009, 07:07:25 UTC
3/3 the kitties will be at your back door shortly. :B cat0in0a0box February 20 2009, 07:09:05 UTC
[Schro shouting out]


[the journal is closed with a thump just as the sound of boots and paws on roof shingles is registered]


danceofrapture February 20 2009, 07:09:53 UTC
[recorded some time later...]

EEEE! Kittieees!!


[Recorded] cat0in0a0box February 20 2009, 07:16:59 UTC
[Schrodinger talking over a good deal of meowing]

My good fraulien, ve are the members of the Rivelata Pest Control und Extermination Unit!

Ve are here to...INSPECT THE PREMISES!


[Recorded] Penelo finds Schro ADORABLE. danceofrapture February 20 2009, 07:18:34 UTC
Ohhh, just look at you all!

It does so happen that I did have a problem with vermin in the past... So if you kitties will take a peek around and make sure nothing is icky, then I'll make for you something tasty and sticky! But be tidy, darlings!


[Recorded] THE FOOL! D8 cat0in0a0box February 20 2009, 07:26:41 UTC
[sound of someone coming to a sharp attention]

Jah! Ve most certainly vill, fraulien!


Ahh, but it might be best if fraulien vere not to look this vay for avhile... it gets a little gruesome.


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