Here there is hope

Jan 29, 2009 15:03

Citizens of Rivelata,
I must apologize for not speaking on this matter sooner. The truth is... I was frightened. However, after speaking with the Chancellor at length, I have decided that this is indeed important for everyone to know, and important for me to do.

Many of you have found strange crystals and at first I was not sure that they were the same as mine, but I know from the few pictures that have been drawn on these pages that they are. Long ago, when I first became a servant of Zikhadhara, he gave me a ring with a symbol on it. After that I stopped getting older. When that happened, Zikhadhara told me I was now his Princess and I had to help him look for his Treasures. I am not certain anymore because it has been a very, very long time since I thought about this, but I believe he knew how many pieces there were - fragments of the Garnet of Journeys that had broken off long ago.

He never told me why he was looking for them or how the Garnet could have been shattered like that, but... I think that is the key to defeating him forever. I once asked him if he was planning on restoring the Garnet of Journeys with the pieces and he grew very angry with me, saying that he wanted to make sure the Garnet was never whole again.

I implore you, everyone, if you have one of these crystals, please take them to the docks and leave them with my Scribe. He will take them to the Garnet of Journeys and try to make the pieces fit. I am providing two of the crystals, but I know there are many more.

Perhaps... Perhaps after that he will leave all of you alone for good. Perhaps it will stop Arrivals from coming to us. Perhaps it will remove the enormous tree from our skies. Perhaps a stop to Zikhadhara's power will allow my citizens to return to their homes, to become happy once more... I wish I knew if that was truly the case, but I cannot. This is only what I think is best, for all of you.

Thank you, everyone, who has tried to support Rivelata City, tried to keep the peace when blood stained these pages, when fire tore through our streets, and to those of who you have given me a second chance despite first impressions. You may never know how much it means to me.
~Immaculada Revesi

Ω npc - immaculada, ! main plot

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