First Grade

Aug 30, 2006 04:51

I continued to live in Hayward for first grade..but the year started out in a new school..a private school..Chinese Christian School. I remember getting those uniforms..gray, white, and dark blue..gray pants, white top, and dark blue sweater. On the first day of class my dad and mom brought me to my class so I would know where it is..thinking back I don't think I completely knew where it was in the first place..I went back a couple years ago and I could not remember which class it was..I don't really remember the first day, but it was probably like every other day because it was all done by routine schedule. So the next and following days we rode the bus to school..first it was a purple van..then they got a yellow bus..I remember we were like the first ones to get picked up during the route because we're nearest to the school so we had to wake up earlier..if you didn't go out on like the third honk they leave..I still remember this brother and sister that gets on the bus and sits near me and my brother..they smelled really bad and they had square fob backpacks..I remember I had a purple backpack probably from Chinatown..i saw the same backpack on the show Home Improvement though..Randy was wearing it on the earlier episodes..anyways the class was pretty clean..and once you get in the classroom you hang your coat in the closet..sit down..get out some paper and start copying down stuff..grammar I think..I remember grammar and spelling homework had you writing each word or sentence over and over again..we had a memory verse to memorize everyday..I only remember two of them right now..Genesis 1:1 of course..and Psalms 100:1..In between we would have three or four recesses I forget how many..but I do remember the first one especially because the teacher leads the whole class to the bathroom and has everybody pee at the same time..separate time of course..the fastest one to pee gets the best ball from the class of course..but like I care..I didn't really play with the balls during recess..too busy with my friend Jackie..I don't know his last name.. and I think there was a Sean..or at least another guy..we would bug these girls and have them chase us around..I didn't care about them really..maybe except this girl Amy..because that's the only name I remmeber..and I remember she was the prettiest one of them..a fat girl was their leader..and I think all us asian kids were the same height..there were also hop scotch, four square, and this number grid on the ground..but we mainly played tag or something..I don't remember playing much of anything..after we would be taught chinese by another teacher..oh yeah my teacher was Miss Wong..I don't know her first name..but I do remember she wore this green sweater and glasses and had long hair..She wasn't old..but she wasn't young either..random..there was also a bathroom in the class..yes everybody can hear if you flushed or not..we would write chinese words over and over again..I don't remember much of that either except the really, really, really, really, simple one step above numbers or something..oh and nobody in class spoke mandarin or english to each other so that was good for me..after whatever we did I think another recess was in there, but when lunch came around the best row gets to wash their hands first and get in line..we washed with soup in the sink inside the classroom..we had to put away everything, sit up straight, and be's weird we had to buy so many things..I had a box of 48 crayons..three 2 inch binders..binder king james version Bible..the chinese book..and probably some other papers..lunch was fob food..freshly cooked and you can have seconds if you want..but I wasn't a pig so I only got seconds once when I was really hungry..the fastest eater gets the best ball..but you had to eat EVERYTHING because Miss Wong inspects your tray and your milk carton before you can throw it away..or you'd have to finish right in front of her..the only clear food I remember were breadsticks and milk, but I know it was fobbish food..recess is always the same..then we did something in class for a bit..probably crafts..I just remember I preferred one time of of the day more than the other..So after school is the same as lunch..the best row gets to leave first..but I had no place to go anyways..because I had to stay at school until my parents get off work..oh yeah there were music classes on Wednesday I believe too..that reminds me of the other binders I had..I still have them actually..they're holding my comic cards..anyways they were half inch this time..a purple one for music papers..a yellow one for homework..and a black one I don't remember what for..probably to smack a fly with. So after school, I would line up and meet up with my brother and other people who have to wait for parents and we would march to Room 8 I believe..where another teacher can babysit us until we go to another Room 8 we can play games and some would play wall ball outside..but I never did..I would be indoors playing something and watching some older kids clean the chalkboards with a big sponge..I think I did my grammar homework there, but I always wrote really slow because it was suppose to be neat..but one time I just thought screw it and wrote really fast so I can play and thought I'd get in some trouble for it, but that never happened, but I was too scared to do that again. So after room 8 we would go to the other side of school where it would start to get dark but not for awhile..I would finish my hw and start playing with random people..I remember folding airplanes..and one time this girl taught me how to fold a heart..but later on I figured out it wasn't the nicest style to fold a heart, but I still know how to fold those planes and those hearts..and this one popper thing that made a loud snap when you whip it..I don't know why that was so fun..but then I was more an outdoors person so I usually played teather ball outside..I was good..only if they other person didn't get the ball..because usually they were older and get the idea..but one time there were these two older girls that played with me and my brother..I remember them clearly because they wore long skirts instead of those shorter ones that the younger girls wear but they were skinny and tall looking to me..I think that was just a couple times I played them..but I remember this other boy..and like kindergarden I preferred racing or running or tag. This boy was from the third grade..and he had a younger sister..I think my age or a year younger I forget..but she was pretty cute..I could always outrun her..but the third grader was a bit faster than me..anyways night rolls around and my parents pick me up and we go home..this goes on for about three months until I transfer back to my old school..Strobridge Elementary..

Why?..and the rest of the year at Strobridge much to write..
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